Friday, January 6, 2017

ID2020 - Traceability & Obedience

ID2020 is a UN program with the aim to number
every indivudal on earth (from newborn to +100)
with a unique number and an electronical device.

It is presented as something good, a system that
supports that no one is left behind in society, a
caring system for refugees and poor etc.

But with the parallell programs of taking away
cash, and to implement the individual ID in the
persons body (by a chip), it is easy to understand
why a global government would find this system
tempting to introduce.

By this system every person will be under
absolute control. As soon as you buy something,
or log in somewhere, you will leave a digital
footprint. And if you are not an obedient citizen
you can very easy be cut off from the system  -
and will be absolutely helpless and an outlaw.

Already today the UN takes decision to punish
governments and organisations which are not
obedient to the system.

Please take time to listen to this very good
teaching on the subject, presented out of the light
that the Bible, Gods word, brings us. In the Bible
we are clearly warned of that this system will
eventually rise in the very end of this time-age.

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