Friday, November 27, 2020

Amerikanska Inbördeskrig


Amerikanska inbördeskriget utkämpades
i Nordamerika från 1861 till 1865;

Som svar på valet av Abraham Lincoln
som President i USA (förste republikanske
presidenten), bröt sig 11 stater i södern
hos vilka slaveri fortfarande var lagligt, ut
från USA och bildade Amerikas ”Sydstater”.

De övriga 25 delstaterna (”Nordstaterna”)
stödde USA:s federala regering. Efter fyra
år av krig, som mestadels utkämpades på
de konfedererade staternas territorium,
kapitulerade konfederationen och slaveri
förbjöds i hela nationen.

Problemen som ledde till kriget löstes del-
vis i en rekonstruktionsera som efter hand

Moderna tolkningar pekar på slaveriet
som grundorsaken till det amerikanska

tiden för det amerikanska inbördeskriget.

En allt större splittring har växt fram i

En splittring är inte negativ om en sida
står för rättfärdighet och det orsakar

Då var det slavhandel med de svarta
som var frågan som växt fram till ett

Demokrater ansåg att slaveriet var okey,
medan det nystartade republikanska
partiet var en motrörelse mot slaveriets

IDAG KÄMPAR VI kämpar vi en kamp
mot ett annat slaveri, det gäller abort-

De ofödda barnen räknas inte som
människor, de har ingen röst, samhället
gör precis vad det vill med dem.

Om en Biden eller Harris skulle tillträda i
Vita Huset väntar en "reformation" på
abortområdet där man planerar att
legalisera abort, utan inskränkningar,
fram till födelseögonblicket.

Det stannar dock inte där. Från Bidens
läppar vittnas om att det uttalats att han
är för "abort" även direkt efter födelsen,
en rörelse för detta finns inom partiet.

EN PRESIDENT har, såsom då, uppstått
som står upp emot slaveri; han är tales-
man för de ofödda.

Många förstår inte, men det stora mot-
ståndet mot denna president är andligt
och det rör framför allt abortfrågan.

Med denna nya president, som utmanar
de andliga krafterna och tar en starkare
ställning än Guds eget folk i frågan, har
så en splittring uppstått i nationen.

Om president Trump, som profeterats,
tar plats i vita Huset för ytterligare fyra
år - står USA då inför stora upplopp eller
rent av ett liknande inbördeskrig.

Där det blir uppenbart att det är främst
abortfrågan som är den stora brytfrågan,
den andliga huvudstridsfrågan?

Kan allt leda till att stater bryter sig ur
federationen; om en Supreme Court, nu
med en majoritet av konstitutionstrogna
domare, bryter upp den lagstiftning som,
efter ett prejudicerande fall 1973, kallas
för Roe vWade?

Eller blir det Gud som åstadkommer en
brytning när Roe v Wade faller och abort-
lagstiftningsfrågan, som då 1973 felaktigt
av SC lades på federal nivå, hamnar ner
på delstatsnivå?

I det att stater som gör upp med abort-
slaveriet åtnjuter välsignelse, medan
Guds vrede förbliver över de stater som
inte omvänder sig i frågan.

//Björn Hellman

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Schack-matt ?

Jag ser ett schackdrama
där fienden haft trycket
under lång tid, på sin
väg mot att deklarera
Men så ser jag hur pjäs
efter pjäs av de svarta
faller - med ett förvånat
Förvånat därför att Gud
låtit svart segra till en
viss nivå, överspela sin
hand, låtit fräckhet
och stolthet nå till full
mognad, fram till:
Enough is enough, hit
men inte längre.
Jag menar inte full för-
ändring imorgon, men
något kan skifta i det
andliga för att sen
manifestera sig, rulla ut
i det naturliga.
Vi har till ögonmärke
de ting som inte syns i
det fysiska men har
meddelats oss i det

//Björn Hellman

Monday, November 23, 2020

Prophecy: The trumpet will blast forth!


(November 14, 2020)

Tonight in New England the word
of the Lord came into me saying,

"In the past there have been
whistle blowers that have come
forth to reveal hidden corruption
with government, but in this
hour a trumpet will come forth
and sound an alarm. 

The trumpet will blast fourth and
deep seated darkness that has
been covered up will be exposed
for all to see.

What has been hidden by servers
and contained within containers
will be uncovered.

The evidence will be so over-
whelming it will be undeniable.

"Justice will roll down like waters,
and righteousness like an ever-
flowing stream, and when this
justice is done, it will be a joy to
the righteous but terror to evil-

Thursday, November 19, 2020

God showed Katie the call upon D Trump


(November 17, 2020)

11 years ago, I first saw God call Trump to restore
the law and repair the Constitution in two dreams.

In 2016 when Trump was first elected, in the spirit,
I saw him in the ocean, and a wave brought him to
the shore. Moses was standing on the shore waiting
for him and there was a cloud of witnesses behind

Moses greeted him, and they embraced, and Trump
received an impartation, or mantle, to restore the
law and the Constitution. Then Trump went into the
land. (By the way, "Moses" means "drawn from the

Now this year, in 2020, I saw Trump in the water
again, but he had an overcoat which was very
heavy because of the water (representing troubles).
The Joe Biden campaign was dead in the water
and Trump made it to the shore.

Today (November 17) I was praying because I was
really bothered about why President Trump had
that heavy wool overcoat. It was making things
much harder because the water made it so heavy.

As I was praying, I had another vision; I saw two
angels come and help President Trump take off the
coat. After that it was much easier.

I then realized that the coat represented false res-
ponsibility, which you know is a very heavy spirit.

It makes you feel responsible for things you can do
nothing about as you can't change people's hearts.

President Trump works very, very hard as we all
know, but there are some things he just can't do.

The two angels came and helped him take off the
coat but he was still in the water (meaning troubles).
Then I saw the Lord step in - to move or take over.

So watch now as God is going to move super-
naturally...and overturn the tables.

I then saw two elderly ladies (intercessors) help
Donald Trump out of the water. Moses was there

and I also saw Justice Amy Coney Barrett with red
high-heeled shoes there on the shore. I knew she
would also be receiving an anointing for her calling
when Trump came ashore.

//Björn  Hellman

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

King David & the attempt to steal the throne

Jesus says in the Book
of Revelation to the
church in Philadelphia;
Take heed that noone
is stealing your crown.
A bit remarkable how
that word fits in today.
Philadelphia is the
keystone state in the
US according to many,
easy to understand
when you read US
Crowns can be stolen.
Some are so greedy
for power that they
may try even to steal
an election, for hidden
It is particularly com-
mon to steal elections
within the socialistic
sphere. There they
have developed soft-
wares to sofisticate
voting fraud.
A biblical story from
real life:
When King David had
become old, he was
thin and frozen. Most
of his time he spent in
At that time a man
named Adonia tried
to call himself out to
be the new king,
though David was
still alive.
Many then cheered
Adonia. And they
urged other to do the
same and accept the
new king. There were
indeed some pressure.
But there were some
who refused. They
knew this was not
something David had
authorized, David,
yet the king.
It is interesting to see
who those were who
refused to call out
Adonia as the new
There were a few
priest, there were the
prophetic ministry
represented by no-
one less than Natan.
There were "Davids´
Heroes"; 30 of the
true kings´ nearest
men who followed
David even unto
death if necessary,
they knew he was
God´s anointed
Another person to
not accept Adonia
was Batsheba, Davids
wife. She knew David
had promised the
throne to their son
Batsheba went to
David and revealed
to him what was
taking place.
It all eventually led
to that this company
who refused to re-
cognize Adonia,
instead called out
Solomon as king,
and crowned him

Batsheba may be a
picture of the church.
While Natan a picture
of the prophetics.
And "Davids heroes"
are those that stand
firm & boldly at any
He that have ears;
hear what I believe
the Holy Spirit is
trying to say to us
in this hour.

Björn Hellman

Monday, November 16, 2020

A quake in the City of the quakers

Charlie Shamp


“Watch Pennsylvania - yes,
watch and see what I will do.

I say to the intercessors, stand
as watchers and as pillars of the
state and pray Pennsylvania
through in the election,

for it will be the key that opens
the flood gate for the nation to
be delivered from destruction.

For America hangs in the
balance and I have placed upon
the shoulders of this state the
key to victory that will close the
door to the enemy that seeks
to destroy the land of liberty.

I say look and see, I have laid a
keystone within you America,
yes a tested stone, a white
stone, a precious cornerstone
state, a sure foundation where
the bell of liberty will ring
once again.

I will cause a sound to ring out
from you, a sound of Triumph
from my Trumpet.

For you are my Key Stone that
I have set in the hand of the
church to take down the giant
in this hour.

The giant that seeks to devour
this nation, but he will fall and
his body will cause the ground
to quake in the city of
brotherly love. (Philadelphia)

Yes the ground will quake in
the city founded by the quakers.
I will shake Pennsylvania by
my power and corruption will
surface for all to see,

but the one who believes will
be unshakable, the one I have
set in place will not be moved.“