Thursday, March 31, 2022

Lance Wallnau /They Want to Surveil You Under Your Skin

Don´t miss out on Lance Wallnau,
an international motivational speaker,
a christian and a prophetic voice.

Listen to Noah Harari, the man
Barack Obama calls "the prophet"....

If he is Obama´s prophet, then it is
not so farfetching to ask:
So, is Obama then (an) Antichrist...

An Urgent prophetic Dream Given to Chris Reed

A very serious prophetic word from a
reliable source, Chris Reed, who is the
successor of Rick Joyner at Morning-
star Minstries. It mentions the coming
development in the US.
It frames in many other words on the
same topic. And, the prophecy focus
is the part speaking of a Middle-East
agreement, an attempt to set up a
two states solution, the abomination.
I felt the last days that something may
be on the way when UN condemned
palestinian violence on Israelis, and
even Abu Masen (Abbas) did so.
I directly understood this must be due
to something´s cooking politically, as
they don´t normally care too much
about jewish lives.

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

WHOs slap in God´s face

"Herd Immunity is achieved by
protecting people from a virus,
not by exposing them to it."
This is what WHO has changed
the definition of Immunity into
right now.
It means the Immunity system
you have received from God is
no longer acknowledged.
They slap God in the face, they
had to override all figures and
control all media to tell us that
the virus was much worse than
it is.
By this new definition, you now
need to be protected by society,
by big-brother.
This change in definition opens
up for new lawmaking, that will
be able to force people to take
vaccines and also follow other
suitable restrictions.
It will empower governments to
institute vaccine-passports, and
to develop digital such, inserted
into your body, so that it can
be easily controlled on the street
that you have been obedient.
Don´t laugh at this, we were so
close to go down that track just
a couple of months ago. This
definition change shows us the
attempts are far from finished.
Don´t forget that Klaus Schwab
wrote the book: "Covid-19,
The Great Reset".
That evil man, leader of the
World Economic Forum, knew
that Covid-19 was released
by cause and with a mission,
and he was probably very
much involved in it.
There must always be a vehicle,
and Covid-19 was the vehicle
to try to bring humanity over
a bridge, into a new world
Actually, God was the one in
the way, the peoples of the
nations were like sheep led to
God is the one that will judge
Klaus Schwab and his club of
disciples / young leaders who
have planned this evil world

//Björn Hellman

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

NWO vacklar, NWO faller

Det går inte NWOs väg och
det går inte Bidenregimen
så som de så väl planerade
genom sin stöld av Amerika
och sitt eget folk.
De hade en så stolt plan,
inget kunde gå fel. Inte ens
Gud kan stoppa oss, tänkte
de i sina hjärtan. De hade
växt förbi honom.
Men deras motståndare är
deras skapare, en Gud som
lever utanför den bubbla
som kallas tid, en person
som ser allt i förväg,
han vet var tanke och var
plan innan de ens har upp-
stigit i dessa människors
mörka hjärtan och sinnen.
De här mörkermännen, &
kvinnorna, är idag mycket
mer nervösa än vad de ger
sken av. Deras rike & riken
har nu börjat skaka i grund-
valarna & allt bara tilltar.
Guds plan är som alltid att
skapa absolut förvirring i
fiendelägret, han gillar det.
Därför kommer vi få se hur
de, när det blir mer & mer
trångt, börjar att attackera
varandra - också för att
komma i bättre dager och
för att börja förbereda ett
Den som står för sanning
och rätt har framtiden för
sig. De som stått för lögn
och orätt har inte fram-
tiden för sig, de vet det
och de har börjat gnissla
tänder i ångest över det
onda de hade planerat för
andra människor.

//Björn Hellman

Monday, March 28, 2022

The meaning of "Covid-19"

COVID-19 means "Certificate
of Vaccination ID-AI" (artificial
You are more or less forced to
get vaccinated against your
free will. That is the plan, to
steal the God given free will.
Österreich made it criminal
being unvaccinated.
And in the lenght of time you
get an artificial passport under
your skin to keep track on all
your vaccinations, they are
planned to be many.
God´s immunity system must
be mocked by the Antichrist.
He wants to reign your spirit,
your soul & your body.
By the way;
the number value of the letters
in "CORONA" added together
adds up to.. 666. Check it.

Friday, March 25, 2022

Hyllningssång Till Raoul Wallenberg

En mycket farlig global medieoligarki

Ett av de absolut farligaste fenomenen
idag är att majoriteten av media har
hamnat i händer på en handfull oligarker.
Det har inte skett av en slump, utan det
finns en global styrning åt detta håll.
Denna majoritet av media fungerar inte
längre som fristående journalistik utan
de styrs av ett fåtal inflytelserika personer
som har egna syften eller som tjänar en
global agendas syften.
Denna majoritet används också för att
förtrycka kvarvarande ärlig journalistik,
så att den mer eller mindre tystat.
När vi nått det stadiet så är det bara
10-15 % kvar i en nation som visar sig
ha en urskiljning och som anstränger
sig att bevara och befästa sanningen.
Resten, den stora massan av befolknin-
garna, lapar i sig från de mediekällor de
är vana vid och alltid har litat på. Dessa
kan ha gått att lita på längre tillbaka i
tid, innan oligarkerna tog över ägarskap
och taktpinne.
Vi förstår nu att hela nationer kan styras
av ett fåtal personer genom att äga
människors sinnen på viktiga politiska
Ett fåtal personer kan plantera lögn,
kan presentera endast en sida av en
fråga, kan finjustera gaspedalen - och
fordonet följer lydigt varje manöver.
Där är vi idag. Vi har sett det i klimat-
hysterin, vi har sett det i invandrings-
och gränsfrågor, vi har sett det i Kinas
virusutsläpp och vi ser det nu gällande
kriget i Ukraina;
En farlig ensidighet driven av de som
vill en viss riktning för att skydda sig
själva, och har makt att styra så från
bakom kulisser.
Det kanske mest skrämmande är att
den kristna församlingen är lika blind
som övrig befolkning, eller mer blind.
Gud säger i sitt Ord: "Vem är så blind
som min tjänare". En själiskt driven
filantropisk församling är tyvärr lätt-
driven av vinden.
Satan vet precis vilka bibelord och
-sammanhang han ska lyfta för att få
församlingen att gå i hans riktning,
istället för att lyssna till den femte
av de femfaldiga tjänsterna.
Jag har sett detta tydligt i mina egna
kristna sammanhang. Där själsstarka
men andesvaga människor i försam-
lingen prisas för sina talanger och får
ett inflytande Gud aldrig gett dem,
allt medan tjänster Gud vill resa, blir
effektivt bortaborterade från det som
ska vara Kristi Kropp.

//Björn Hellman

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

A Vision of Russia & Ukraine 2/28/22 (Christa Elisha)

A Vision of Russia & Ukraine 2/28/22 (Christa Elisha)
As I was asking the Lord how to pray for Russia and Ukraine I went into a vision. Suddenly I was in the atmosphere along the boarder of the disputed territory. The Holy Spirit told me to decree and release “MERCY, MERCY, MERCY, MERCY” over the people, specifically the believers on both sides.
Then the Spirit took me down onto the land and I watched as war machines advanced into the Ukrainian territory. Suddenly the war machines turned into tractor plows. Their large circular blades dug deep into the soil and began to till the earth. I heard “full circle season” and I knew that unjust things done long ago had came full circle and a harvest of corruption was due.
I looked closely at the broken ground and realized that there were secrets that members of Ukrainian elite and government officials had attempted to bury that was being uncovered and drawn to the surface for the world to see by the tilling of the plow blades.
I heard the words ‘Convolution’ and ‘mass exposure’ and “attempted cover up.” As this was taking place I watched as it appeared to be government angels follow behind the plows to collect the evidence and secure it for trials connected to multiple countries. America, UK, China, Sweden and Italy all flashed before me.
The Lord then had me to decree:
1. that everything done in darkness would be revealed in all the nations of the world.
2. that secrets in hidden places would be exposed and taken as undeniable evidence of corruption.
3. that certain government take overs would be turned over and that God’s agenda with truth, justice and light would prevail.
As I finished the decrees I saw the ground that was plowed suddenly turn into a massive harvest field full of waist high wheat ready to be gathered. The Spirit of God said “Now ask me to send harvesters into the fields.” So I prayed “Lord of the harvest, send the harvesters into the fields of Russia and Ukraine to bring in a massive harvest of souls! I pray not one would be missed and that what the enemy meant for evil you would turn around and use for good! In Jesus name! “
I invite you to join me in these decrees and prayer over Russia, Ukraine and the nations as well. Do not be afraid saints. The true and the false is all being revealed in this hour. Heaven knows the full story that the corrupted mainstream media will never tell you. Stay in your position of faith and do not give in to fear. God is going to turn it all around for his glory!
This is an excerpt from Christa Elisha´s prophetic word:

Monday, March 21, 2022

10 Percent For The Big Guy (Brandon fun! )

How They Take Over & Revealed by their tounges

The difference between heaven
and hell rests in ones motives.
Bill Gates revealed himself when
he in an interview expressed sad-
ness over that a mild omicron-
variant took over his "vaccines"
He did not express joy --> that
people now would get natural
That is such a pride before God,
a pride that will lead to his fall
and it will be big.
I have heard similar expressions
from the heart of Klaus Schwab,
just disgusting. Is he the most
evil person of today?
These globalists expose what is in
their hearts by what comes over
their tounges.
They are so filled up and so over-
whelmed by the vision to control
humanity that they cannot speak
without revealing what their
plans were with covid.
It is like bitter persons who can
not forgive. Whenever they
speak, that bitterness is revealed;
as it has been allowed to colour
their entire heart.
A prophetic word regarding the
fake leadership in the WH and
within the NWO has been that
we should listen to frogs that
will come over their lips in this
hour. God is in this.

Saturday, March 19, 2022

The LORD says, it will be like a lightning

We have entered into a time where God
will expose the steal of America as well as
the Global New World Order agenda. We
are in for a ride not just in the US but also
the nations, never seen before.
But it will not necessarily be a very out-
stretched process. The "hit on the hip",
the real crippeling, I believe will be done
in the beginning.
Then there will be an aftermath work, and
an administration of the victory affecting
nations at different levels depending on
the dept of involvment and exposure, this
will proceed beyond 2022 for sure.
God will make a joke of those in high
places that planned for your crippeling,
for either your death or your forced sub-
mission under their demonic global
government agenda.
It would have been better for many of
those guys to have not been born instead
of they chose to sell their souls to the evil
Some will be saved - we always pray for
that to happen - we were all lost before
Christ found us and we responded to him.
But this is a company where many should
now better, but have chosen to fall off
and not repent. They have got plenty of
warnings and a time of grace during while
many have suffered under their evil.
As christians we must understand what is
happening. Then we can enjoy it, knowing
our Father is at work against the father
of lies.
We may for a time face difficulties, scarcity,
"McCartyism", misunderstandings, unfrien-
dliness, lockdowns of kinds etc.
But "be of a good cheer (says Jesus); I
have overcome the world". The outcome
will be reformation & revival & real future
for our children and childrens children.

Friday, March 18, 2022

From Transgender 2 Transformed. MUST WATCH

J Green Proph. word: Russia & Ukraine, US involvment in the setup

Excerpt from this powerful prophetic word (28/2):
Vladimir Putin, be careful where you step. Do not
cross me sayeth the Lord, you are allowed to go
so far, and not any farther.
My children, things are going on between Russia
and Ukraine that you will not understand because
your news media is lying to their teeth on what is
really going on.
My children in Ukraine, do not fear. I will protect
you from what is going on... This is directed at
people who have infiltrated your land.
Oh US, you´ve been lied to by your fraudilent
government, they paid for this!
They set Russia up to be forced to move their
hand. Yes, your nation with Obama at the weel is
thirsty for war. They want this distraction - for the
news that are about to come to the surface will
blow all of their plans....

Thursday, March 17, 2022

Gud sa: jag dedikerar detta presidentval till barnen

Inför USAs presidentval 2020
talade Gud profetiskt: Jag
dedikerar detta val till barnen.
Misslyckades Gud, himlens &
jordens skapare, när en fiende
till barnen stal valet. Jag tror
inte det.
USAs abortlagstiftning "Roe v
Wade" är nu på väg att luckras
upp och försvinna, faktiskt till
en del kristnas besvikelse. Vi
kommer att få se detta hända.
Kommunismens erövring av
skolor och universitet i USA
kommer att upplösas. En helig
generation kommer att resas.
Världsomspännande barnsex-
trafficking nätverk, inte minst i
underjordiska tunnelsystem i
Ukraina, kommer att avslöjas.
Detta hade aldrig skett om
Donald Trump obrutet fortsatt
sitt enormt succefulla president-
skap. USAs liberala vänster
hade fortsatt som tidigare med
att häckla och förfölja honom
för att hindra honom att bl a
avslöja deras del i ovanstående
Nej, Gud låter elitisternas synd
på global nivå nu avslöja sig,
de har alla på olika sätt haft
fingrar i syltburken. Deras
satanism har naturligtvis haft
barnens, ofödda & födda,
olycka som mål.
Gud tillät valstölden, som sked-
de med internationell med-
verkan, och fångar nu 153 fiskar
i samma nät, genom att kasta
ut på andra sidan om båten,
inte den sida vi ansåg vara rätt.
Efter 2022 slut kommer världen
se ganska annorlunda ut. Allt
kommer inte vara klart, det
kommer pågå under flera år,
men mycket kommer ha lyfts
till ytan, inte bara i USA utan i
världen, i Sverige, saker som
kommer att chocka.
Vi kommer att få lära oss vem
som är ond och vem som är
god. Det är väl bra? Om man ej
själv är ond och inte vill komma
ut i ljuset.

/Björn Hellman

Hank Kunneman Prophesy: I saw a new president, unexpected events

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

The truth about Neo-Nazis in Ukraine

The desciption of Nazi regiments in Ukraine
sounds like when Hitler was emerging.

You cannot take light on these groups. Maybe
Putin will actually take care of them.

I have heard from wellinformed voices within
Ukraine that leaders from this Nazi party stand
very close to Zelensky.

They are extremely brutal when they think it is
needed, even with children.

And they have gone in the front in the eastern
states in Ukraine against Russians.

This is very dangerous for Europe in large.

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Joe Biden - "The Big guy" - tjänade 10% i provision

Journalister med ryggrad och lite bakom pann-
benet vet att Bidenregimen ville denna konflikt
för att dölja katastrofala beslut hemma samt
korruption både hemma och i Ukraina som
han ansvarat för under Obama.
Den ondare av två är tveklöst Biden. Den som
provocerar fram krig i vetskap att många oskyl-
diga kommer att få lida är värre. Gud har sak
med Biden och den elit som förstört Ukraina
med grov korruption.
Sonen Hunter, knarkare och utslängd från det
militära fick outbildad och utan kunskaper
direkt en styrelseplats i Ukrainas största energi-
bolag Burisma, kantat av korruption. Så kunde
han tjäna 50.000 USD i månaden varav 10%
gick enligt mail, till The Big guy.
Joe fick över en eftermiddag en åklagare avsatt
som undersökte korruptionen, på så sätt säkrade
en amerikansk Vicepresident korrupta inkomster
till sin son och sig själv.

Sunday, March 13, 2022

How US-backed Maidan coup, Russiagate led to war in Ukraine

Zelensky, Hunter B — and Their Sugar Daddy, Kolomoisky

This guy knows a lot about Ukraine and
how Biden & other "high" officials have
misused and bankrupted the nation.

He does not have very kind words on
pres. Zelensky either, a very strange is
told on how he came to power.

Friday, March 11, 2022

The LORD showed me the great comeback of Pres. Trump

Jesus came to my rescue - Tyson Fury’s testimony

Christa Elisha, Proph. word: Ukraine & Russia: Exposure

This contains strong prophetic revelation re-
garding the situation in Ukraine;

Details of why war started & which entities
(persons, organisations), besides Russia,
wanted war as well as actually promoted it
in different ways.

Details of what will be revealed in Ukraine
soil regarding US and certain European
nations including government overtakings.

Details of corruption and child-trafficking.

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Du kan ge till Ukraina / You can give to Ukraine

Här ges du som känner starkt för Ukraina
möjlighet att också ge en penninggåva.

Krasst är det så att pengar kan ge oerhörd

Hoppets Stjärna är tryggt att ge till. Jag
har gett till denna effektiva kristna
organisation nu i 30 års tid. (90-kto)

Har själv nu satt in 3.000 kr till Ukraina.

Följ länken nedan:

Sunday, March 6, 2022

I WILL SAY IT… // Donald Trump on Jesus Christ

Listen to America´s true president.
You never heard a president - or
any other world leader - talk this
much about Jesus & which such
The presidential elections in Nov
2020 needs to be restored, the
theft needs to be exposed. The
world need the rightful US president.

Gravitas Plus: Did NATO push Ukraine into war?

It is close to a crime to not take part of this
short documentary from Wion / Gravitas.

Especially if you have already decided at lot
regarding Ukraine.

Nato almost wanted war. One special person
would gain from a war to avoid scrutiny on
his home-arena.

A war which is now raging.

Pfizer Vaccine Becomes DNA in The Human Liver Cells

Was this not something that couldn´t happen?

Was this not the No.1 question the "conspiracy
theorists" had - but the whole world was
promised this could not happen.

A Swedish study from Lund now shows IT IS

Ukraine beyond the media narrative

There were already existing
problems with Ukraine which
media now have received
order to supress as much as
Ukraine was already occupied.
The US controlled Ukraine
totally. Zelinsky is a disciple
of and appointee by B Obama.
When I say US-controlled, I
have to distinguish which US I
B Obama during his time as a
US president tried to weaken
the US constitution by federal-
izing many tasks, with the aim
then to submit the US under
the UN rather than mastering
the UN. That would only be
possible with a US cleansed
from christian, patriotic powers
in the very lead.
So, by now you understand my
point that Obama was not a US
patriot; rather in that perspec-
tive he was a traitor, and many,
many americans view him as a
such, rightly so.
B Obama was actually a New
World Order guy, a movement
for which he had plans to be-
come the guy in the top, in a
coming world government.
He still carry those plans, and
is a very potent, silent, power
today behind the Biden illegit-
imate White House.
So the infiltration in Ukraine
was not by a US patriotic pur-
pose, it was to use Ukraine
out of other filty motives..;
one purpose has been to pro-
voke Russia seemingly out of
patriotic purposes, or out of
heroic purposes of defending
western freedom,

but I believe the real purpose
before the latter described
has been to make a setup to,
at a fitting point in time, use
a situation to weaken Russia,
to pave the way for the NWO.

A patriotic US was always in
the way, and so is also Russia
of today, which is not sub-
mitted to the NWO, rather
tends to fight it.
So today we are told by the
false prophets in media to
praise Ukraine, at the same
time these globally owned
media cut off all information
from Russia to reach us, and
we get a beautiful picture of
Ukraine just like the music we
can hear on the Tiananmen
Square in communistic China.
We don´t get a true picture.
We´re not told that the liberal
US of today control Ukraine
and makes filty, very corrupt
businesses there. We don´t
get that the US has (or had..)
15 Bio-labs at the Russian
borders. We are not told that
Ukraine are a center of
European childtrafficking &
money laundring.
The very good thing is that
God´s not forgotten Ukraine.
It has been spoken by many
prophetic voices that God will
raise Ukraine out of ashes
and make it become a glorious,
independent christian nation.
And it is not so far away.
But as there are no shortcuts in
personal lives to become solid,
it is the same with nations.
The sins must be dug up. The
evil occupants, that already
existed, must be thrown out.
I believe what we see today is
not a Ukraine which God has
forgotten. He is there and he is
at work, in the chaos. How hard
it can sound, that is the case.
There are corrupt things in the
Ukraine soil that will surface,
and will help overturn a very
evil US government; that is the
content out of a handful of
strong prophetic words recently
shared or reawaked.
God is asking us all to pray for
Ukraine in the current situation
of war and hardship. In this we
should pray specifically for the
christians in Ukraine as well as
the christian Russians in both
Ukraine and Russia.
We should pray that the infor-
mation iron-wall that west (ie
NWO, compromized politicians,
global media owners etc) now
put up will not be able to put
pressure on Ukrainian christians
to despise their Russian sisters
and brothers.
Christians in Ukrain and Russia
are key to the new map God is
about to paint in the region. A
map free from influence of NWO
as well as of both American and
Russian bullying, and definitely
free from communism.
We who know what God has
spoken prophetically regarding
Ukraine for the future should
speak out endurance and great
hope over the nation and the
people of Ukraine.

//Björn Hellman