Sunday, July 31, 2022

K Clement 2022 Prophecy. Shocking Exposure will shake DC

The C-19 Treatment "Conspiracy" - How millions of lives were lost

This doctor tells us milions died in vain
by the chinavirus.

There were very effective antiretroviral

Money was probably the cause why
they were not used / further developed.

The medical companies needed to get
richer, as well as needed their inter-
mediaries out in the nations.

Donald Trump: “The BOSS…. The most famous.. is JESUS CHRIST”

Don´t miss out.

No other president said things like this.

No other president kept every promise
like he did, even to the Jewish nation.

He will be back in office, it will happen
sooner than anyone would think.

Gud gjorde entré i Richards familj

Fint vittnesbörd om hur en  hel familj kommer
till tro på Jesus.


Friday, July 29, 2022

Prophesy regarding Whitmer and Michigan

Prophecy regarding the fate of
Gretchen Whitmer and Michigan.

Delivered by Charlie Shamp.



THE BIG LIE WILL BE OVERTURNED / Julie Green prophetic word

Epoch Times - Exposing the Jan 6 Insurrection Narrative

Don´t miss out.

The Democrates have launched
a fullblown socialistic plan of
taking over America.


Don´t miss out on this strong
prophteic word Julie Green
just received from the Lord.


En mycket farlig global media-olegarki

Ett av de absolut farligaste fenomenen
idag är att majoriteten av media har
hamnat i händer på en handfull oligarker.
Det har inte skett av en slump, utan det
finns en global styrning åt detta håll.
Denna majoritet av media fungerar inte
längre som fristående journalistik utan
de styrs av ett fåtal inflytelserika personer
som har egna syften eller som tjänar en
global agendas syften.
Denna majoritet används också för att
förtrycka kvarvarande ärlig journalistik,
så att den mer eller mindre tystat.
När vi nått det stadiet så är det bara
10-15 % kvar i en nation som visar sig
ha en urskiljning och som anstränger
sig att bevara och befästa sanningen.
Resten, den stora massan av befolknin-
garna, lapar i sig från de mediekällor de
är vana vid och alltid har litat på. Dessa
kan ha gått att lita på längre tillbaka i
tid, innan oligarkerna tog över ägarskap
och taktpinne.
Vi förstår nu att hela nationer kan styras
av ett fåtal personer genom att äga
människors sinnen på viktiga politiska
Ett fåtal personer kan plantera lögn,
kan presentera endast en sida av en
fråga, kan finjustera gaspedalen - och
fordonet följer lydigt varje manöver.
Där är vi idag. Vi har sett det i klimat-
hysterin, vi har sett det i invandrings-
och gränsfrågor, vi har sett det i Kinas
virusutsläpp och vi ser det nu gällande
kriget i Ukraina;
En farlig ensidighet driven av de som
vill en viss riktning för att skydda sig
själva, och har makt att styra så från
bakom kulisser.
Det kanske mest skrämmande är att
den kristna församlingen är lika blind
som övrig befolkning, eller mer blind.
Gud säger i sitt Ord: "Vem är så blind
som min tjänare". En själiskt driven
filantropisk församling är tyvärr lätt-
driven av vinden.
Satan vet precis vilka bibelord och
-sammanhang han ska lyfta för att få
församlingen att gå i hans riktning,
istället för att lyssna till den femte
av de femfaldiga tjänsterna.
Jag har sett detta tydligt i mina egna
kristna sammanhang. Där själsstarka
men andesvaga människor i försam-
lingen prisas för sina talanger och får
ett inflytande Gud aldrig gett dem,
allt medan tjänster Gud vill resa, blir
effektivt bortaborterade från det som
ska vara Kristi Kropp.

//Björn Hellman

Putin Drops 2 Min Of Truth About America & Ukraine

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

We seem withheld info regarding who gets monkeypox

Dr. John Campbell is a wellknown, serious
physician who have reported findings on
Youtube during the time of covid. He has
I think he may now come into trouble, as
he reports what none of us hear in main-
stream media - or even from our health
namely, regarding all 528 cases of monkey-
pox up until June 24 a gay or bisexual man
is involved in 98% of the cases.
No matter your preferences or thoughts -
handle the facts. Only 10 cases (2%) were
outside this group. Among all the 518
cases, 41% had HIV.
It tells at least me that something is very
wrong in the information we get. It also
tells me very clear how the situation must
be handled, which groups are the ones
to be really directed.
But the groups in question are obviously
under some kind of political correct im-
it seems like noone dare to talk out about
the huge risks, and I say not the least due
to the promiscuity that is not uncommon
in these groups of people.

(Prophecy) What Tracy Cooke was shown about COVID-19 in early 2020

When we talk the prophetics it is also important
with a rewind now and then.
Tracey Cooke here describes how he saw, in a
detailed 2 hour long prophteic dream, the virus
being created in a chinese lab, a weapon of war-
fare against Trump´s economical success. And
American politicians were involved.
The prophet James Goll had a very similar ex-
perience, he as well got the message that the
virus was created to become a weapon.
Senior prophet, Charlie Shamp, also got a
dream from the Lord regarding biological war-
fare coming.
Robin Bullock is another prophteic voice who
received a similar vision; in a try to describe
wath he actually saw, he called it an "epidemic"
coming to the earth.
The worst part of the virus was in the beginning
of its release, after that the globalists, who were
part of the release plan, used it for their purposes
and blew up unproportionally.

Bob Dylan at his Nobelprize-winning best.

Saturday, July 23, 2022

The Court of Heaven / Robin D Bullock

The last movement of God is, very obvious, led
by the prophetic ministry, which by that is
under strong attack not the least from broad
parts of the mainstream church.
Roe vs Wade was the devils very stronghold, a
curse over the federal US for 50 years, with the
Church being responsible, and the curse spread
throughout the western world by it acknowled-
ging and implementing similar laws.
The spiritual worldwar that has been raging the
last 15 years - with US as the headfront - has
been all about the devils fight to keep the
killing of the babies in the womb, the daily
blood sacrifices to him; kneebowing to his
promoted lifestyles.
The last years it has intensified, so that the
democrates in the US has begun to promote
"abortion" up to one month AFTER the child´s
birth (f ex in Vermont).
Now when Roe vs Wade was declared un-
constitutional by the US Supreme Court, on
midsummer eve, everything opened up for
judgments of powers using this law and other
ungodliness for their global purposes.
And Robin Bullock was a few days after the
SCOTUS decision led by God to do what the
clip below describes.
The last reformation of God we are starting to
see is one led by the prophetic ministry - no
matter what mainstream christians think about
it - it is not their decision, it is Gods; and it is
because it is more necessary than ever with
this fifth finger in the fivefold ministry in lead.
After Robin Bullock made these prophetic
obedience acts, leaders across the world has
started to fall and it is just a beginning, and
of course it is happening also within the
Church; where the judgment should begin.

He’s done

I don´t say it is absolutely over for him yet,
but I´m convinced it´s singing on the last verse.

Friday, July 22, 2022

Inauguration Prophecy // President Trump Prophetic Word

Besides this:
Donald Trump was borh on a sabbath, and this special 
abbath in 1946, the teaching in all synagoges around
the world was the biblical instruction on how to con-
struct the special trumpet/s for the temple services.

Kim Clement, the prophet who prophesied from
2006 - 2015 about Donald Trumps coming to power,
as well as very many details around the time from 
2016 - 2027, stated very clearly that DT would have
two terms.

Thursday, July 21, 2022

Ritchie Lehtoniemi: Jesus, det bästa som hänt mig

Efter en stökig uppväxt med alkohol,
droger och kriminalitet var Ritchie
Lehtoniemi på den absoluta botten.

Mitt i natten ringde han sin lillebror
som var kristen och frågade om de
kunde be tillsammans.

Den natten, hemma i duschen, blev
han frälst

– Det var som att ta av sig en rygg-
säck med en massa stenar, det är
det bästa som har hänt mig, säger

Läs vidare:

A Foreigner Shall Lead Them | A 2022 Prophecy For The UK | Tomi Arayomi...

Monday, July 18, 2022

You´re not called to foster the prophetic ministry

The enemies to God´s prophetic
movement today in paving way
for the Great Awakening, is sadly
enough not just enemies of
God but people zealous for Jesus.
They don´t want to hear people
that say they are of God talk on
politics. But politics is the arena
where things meet up and where
things need to be qonquered.
God created a woman for Adam,
and he created a bride for Chirst,
the Church. But he also educates
us in that government is from God
in order for us to have a peaceful
So of course the devil wants to
place himself in government
position, or, rather, his man, and
in the very top as much as
Why do you think he tempted
Jesus with all the Kingdom´s on
the earth right before Jesus were
to start his ministry?
It is the same reason why he try
to make christians to oppose the
prophetic ministry to engage in,
and speak, to the authorities.
He is deadly afraid of the true
prophetic ministry and anointing.
He wants the church to think
that 100 pastors make a prophet,
so we can exlude the fifth finger,
the important pointing one,
which is a special anointing in
the bottom.
The church is God´s army - but
the prophetic part of the five-
fold ministry points out the way
for the church.
Single mature leaders can, of
course, be in awareness - but it
is the spoken word from the
prophetic voice that put things
in motion in the for God im-
portant steps for the Church..
And - the ones opposing it,
saying "I follow Christ" is the re-
bellious. Without prophecy the
people are led astray, the prop-
hetic causes God´s people to
choose God´s direction at im-
portant crossroads.
If you are not a prophet, don´t
try to be the expert on what
the prophet can do or not do.
The church has too long put
up the boundaries for this
ministry, and have aborted so
many called into ministry.


Bob Dylan Jesus Rap

Bob Dylan´s Supernational encounter with Jesus

Sunday, July 17, 2022

Tomi Arayomi | I went to heaven at 16

Tomi is a nice, humble, strong prophetic voice
and teacher of the Gospel. He lives and serves
out of the UK. Don´t miss out.

When he was 16 and very new in the faith,
God took Tomi into the "wedding supper" in

Tomi there desperately looked after Jesus, un-
til he finally found out Jesus was the butler
who was serving him at the table.

Saturday, July 16, 2022

Why Mary is weeping

What a pain it must be in Jesus
mother Mary´s heart, now when
she is in heaven and she sees
a lot of religious people over the
globe more or less worship her,
and not her son.

She knows she and Jesus
brethren considered Jesus
crazy at one occasion, and they
all tried to stop him from fulfilling
his calling.

She knows about the truth which
Jesus told her on earth; that
even trough her hearth a sword
of spirit and truth would have to
go. She experienced that.

She saw them hit, wip, slaughter
her son beyond recognition,
while laughing and spitting at
him, then crucifying him. She
knew why it happened him and
not her.

She was not crucified for stand-
ing for the truth, he was. He
was innocent to the extent that
he could take our place on the
cross, she was not.

She knows she is in heaven
today, only because her son
died also for her sin. Her son
is her saviour.

Don´t ever worship Mary, don´t
ever hurt her in that way, that
she would feel she stands in
the way for people´s salvation.

If you worship Mary, if you pray
to her, and by that commiting
Spiritism, you will suffer eternal
damnation one day if you don´t

We should recognize Mary for
her simple faith, that she was
obedient when God spoke
to her, that she was willing to
be a vessel for God. That is
her absolute greatness, what
she should be remembered for.

/Björn Hellman

In 2020 Joe Biden was WANTED in Ukraine

Det här var bara ett och ett halvt år sedan.

Biden hade köpt sin son, och företaget han
jobbade för, fritt från åklagarinblick genom
att muta / kohandla med bistånd.

Zelenskyj ville att Biden då skulle ställas in-
för rätta.

Friday, July 15, 2022

I Believe In You - Bob Dylan

To all you out there. There is someone to stick to,
God provided you a friend, when you turn to him.

Thursday, July 14, 2022

We are no longer sinners - but rightiousness from God.

2 Corinthians 5:17f (Bible)
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the
new creation has come:
The old has gone, the new is here!
All this is from God, who reconciled
us to himself through Christ and
gave us the ministry of reconciliation:
that God was reconciling the world
to himself in Christ, not counting
people’s sins against them.
And he has committed to us the
message of reconciliation.
We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors,
as though God makes his appeal
through us.
We implore you on Christ’s behalf:
Be reconciled to God.
God made him who had no sin to be
sin for us, so that in him we might
become the righteousness of God.
In churches in Sweden you often hear:
"We are sinners saved by grace."
But that is wrong (ugly) teaching. It
takes away what God has done and
what Christ paied for.
You were a sinner. You then were
saved by grace. BUT YOU BECAME
If you are still a sinner saved by grace
you still live in the Old covenant.
If you teach in that manner, you don´t
teach the New Testament and the
new covenant in Christ.
The New Covenant which God made
with Christ, is a covenant out of re-
surrection and new birth, referring
to Christ but also all his followers.
Christ didn´t just carry our sin, HE
WAS MADE SIN when he took our
place on the cross, and God had to
look away from him. God cannot
stand in a covenant with someone
made a curse to his full being.
Through your faith, explored in the
baptism, you show you drowned,
died, with Christ and when you
come up from the water you show
you also resurrected with Christ.
When he became "the firstborn
from the dead" (Book of Hebrews),
you were counted in, which be-
comes valid as soon as you accept
Christ as your Lord.

You then get born again, and you
are no longer a sinner no matter all
mistakes you may do. Because you
have received Christ´s rightiousness
and fullness. You are now one with
God has no family of sinners, he
only has family of his own kind,
proud sons and daughters of the
mosthigh. Straighten your neck!
When you do, it is true meakness -
You acknowledge God´s high
thoughts about you, after what
he did with you.

People in church often dare to
have a too high confession. Fear
wants to keep us in bondage. It
can also be an excuse when not
believing in God´s high calling,
like "I´m a poor sinner, so let´s
continue in sin..".

But - the high confession is one
about what God has done, without
our bad help.. Be in line with God!
This what I have described IS the
New Covenant in God´s Son and
his blood shared for us.
Of course we may still fall in
various sins after we have received
Christ and do acknowledge his
remarkable salvation. But - listen
here: the revelation of who you
have been made in Christ is the
power that more and more lifts
you out of sin and out of condem-
nation and low esteem:

condemnation only leads to law
works trying to please God out
of fear, such "own-salvation"
attempts neglect your need of a
saviour, neglects Christ´s work on
the cross.
Jesus said that the smallest one
in God´s Kingdom is larger than
John the Baptist, which he said
was the greatest prophet during
the Old covenant. How can this

Jesus is referring to this teaching
I give; He talks about that John
was not born again into God´s
family. He was still a servant, not
a son. You could not become a
son, born again, until Christ had
become glorified after the cross,
scriptures clearly points this out.
This is why the Book of Ephesians
say that angels marvel to look in-
to the new that were to come
with Christ. A new breed of born
again believers. Christ´s pure &
clean bride.

We do need much, much more
revelation about the cross...

You shall serve God and you
should follow Christ, indeed..
But, you shall do it as a son in
the house, not as just a servant.
You should be working with your
father as a son, in his company.

You follow in Jesus footsteps
when you - just like Jesus - "do
nothing but what you see the
Father is doing", but at the same
time remember Jesus did it as
the Son in his Fathers family
business, Jesus was not just a
plain servant.

//Bjorn Hellman