Saturday, March 30, 2024

Tucker Carlson reacts to meeting with Assange

Tucker Carlson has met with Julian Assange.
Here Tucker´s direct comment on "the case".


Crowder, Johnnyswim, Tori Kelly - Because He Lives (Easter At Passion City Church)

HolyName - Fall On Your Knees (feat. Brian Welch & Brook Reeves)

Fall on Your knees. Behold the Lamb.

One comment on the clip that cought me:

"When I was living in the world and hating
Christians, it was Christian Metal that helped
bring me into God's presence.

I am forever grateful that musicians such as
these are willing to cross lines and pair wor-
ship to a sound that will reach some of the
most lost.

Thank you for following God's call on your
life. This song has me in tears!"

Lyrics here below:


Lead me onwardLead me onwardI will trust in YouI will trust in You
Lead me onwardLead me onwardI will trust in YouI will trust in You
Lead us onwardLead us onwardThrough the valleysThrough the desertsTo quiet waters
Lead us onwardLead us onwardThrough the valleysThrough the desertsTo quiet waters
Fall down on your kneesBefore the lambNo other is worthyAll good comes from his mighty hand
Fall down on your kneesBefore the lambNo other is worthyAll good comes from his mighty hand
Fall down on your kneesBefore the lambNo other is worthyAll good comes from his mighty hand
Fall down on your kneesBefore the lambNo other is worthyAll good comes from his mighty hand
I will trust in youAll good comes from his mighty handAll good comes from his mighty hand
Wash the filth from my eyesSavior of wretched manMy dead bones are at your feetFall to your knees

Songwriter: Brook Reeves

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

I Believe In You - Bob Dylan

From March 26: D. Trump promotes the Bible

Wow. Don´t miss out on this.
D. Trump says: We must make America Pray again.

Truth Social deal makes Trump haters 'choke'

When an unrightious judge tried to steal
Donald Trumps all liquid money and as
well put padlocks on all his property..

..Donald in a couple of days doubled his
total fortune!

The more the evil ones try to assassinate
him, character-wise and financially, the
more he seems to prosper & gain support
from new groups of people in society.

An invisible power seem to very much
like Donald Trump and what he stands
up for, and are making him.. invincible.

Goodness Of God - Harmonie London

Ben Shapiro: Why I'm Giving Money To D. Trump

When J. Carter lies in the rotunda..

When Jimmy Carter lies in
the rotunda on Capitol Hill,

it will be a signpost of the
soon fall of the Biden admin.

Billionaires Are Now Supporting Trump

Billionaires more and more understand
the witchhunt, character assassination
and financial assassination attempts on
Donald Trump.

I think the criminal Dem´s will lose
New York, the fallen bridge between
Washington and New York is a sign..

Sunday, March 24, 2024

Victory Boyd - The Star Spangled Banner

Letitia James Plan Backfires - Truth Social goes Public!


Pistol shots ring out in the barroom nightEnter Patty Valentine from the upper hallShe sees a bartender in a pool of bloodCries out, "my God, they killed them all"
Here comes the story of the HurricaneThe man the authorities came to blameFor somethin' that he never donePut in a prison cell, but one time he coulda beenThe champion of the world
Three bodies lyin' there, does Patty seeAnd another man named Bello, movin' around mysteriously"I didn't do it" he says, and he throws up his hands"I was only robbin' the register, I hope you understand"
"I saw them leavin'" he says, and he stops"One of us had better call up the cops"And so Patty calls the copsAnd they arrive on the sceneWith their red lights flashin' in a hot New Jersey night
Meanwhile, far away in another part of townRubin Carter and a couple of friends are drivin' aroundNumber one contender for the middleweight crownHad no idea what kinda shit was about to go down
When a cop pulled him over to the side of the roadJust like the time before and the time before thatIn Paterson that's just the way things goIf you're black you might as well not show up on the street'Less you want to draw the heat
Alfred Bello had a partner and he had a rap for the copsHim and Arthur Dexter Bradley were just out prowlin' aroundHe said "I saw two men runnin' out, they looked like middleweightsJumped into a white car with out-of-state plates"And Miss Patty Valentine just nodded her headCop said "Wait a minute, boys, this one's not dead"So they took him to the infirmaryAnd though this man could hardly seeThey told him he could identify the guilty men
Four in the mornin' and they haul Rubin inThey took him to the hospital and they brought him upstairsThe wounded man looks up through his one dyin' eyeSay "Why'd you bring him in here for? He ain't the guy"
Here's the story of the HurricaneThe man the authorities came to blameFor somethin' that he never donePut in a prison cell, but one time he coulda beenThe champion of the world
Four months later, the ghettos are in flameRubin's in South America, fightin' for his nameWhile Arthur Dexter Bradley's still in the robbery gameAnd the cops are puttin' the screws to him, lookin' for somebody to blame
"Remember that murder that happened in a bar?""Remember you said you saw the getaway car?""You think you'd like to play ball with the law?""Think it mighta been that fighter that you saw runnin' that night?""Don't forget that you are white"
Arthur Dexter Bradley said "I'm really not sure"The cops said "A poor boy like you, could use this breakWe got you for the motel job and we're talkin' to your friend BelloYou don't want to have to go back to jail, be a nice fellowYou'll be doin' society a favorThat son of a bitch is brave and gettin' braverWe want to put his ass in stirWe want to pin this triple murder on himHe ain't no Gentleman Jim"
Rubin could take a man out with just one punchBut he never did like to talk about it all that much"It's my work" he'd say, "and I do it for payAnd when it's over I'd just as soon go on my way"
Up to some paradiseWhere the trout streams flow and the air is niceAnd ride a horse along a trailBut then they took him to the jailhouseWhere they try to turn a man into a mouse
All of Rubin's cards were marked in advanceThe trial was a pig-circus, he never had a chanceThe judge made Rubin's witnesses drunkards from the slumsTo the white folks who watched, he was a revolutionary bum
And for the black folks he was just a crazy niggerNo one doubted that he pulled the triggerAnd though they could not produce the gunThe D.A. said he was the one who did the deedAnd the all-white jury agreed
Rubin Carter was falsely triedThe crime was murder one, guess who testified?Bello and Bradley and they both baldly liedAnd the newspapers, they all went along for the ride
How can the life of such a manBe in the palm of some fool's hand?To see him obviously framedCouldn't help but make me feel ashamed to live in a landWhere justice is a game
Now all the criminals in their coats and their tiesAre free to drink martinis and watch the sun riseWhile Rubin sits like Buddha in a ten-foot cellAn innocent man in a living hell
Yes, that's the story of the HurricaneBut it won't be over 'til they clear his nameAnd give him back the time he's donePut in a prison cell, but one time he coulda beenThe champion of the world

Bob Dylan / Jacques Levy

Ester´s kallelse - - Esther´s calling

En tidigare blogg-post som är
profetisk för Purim 2024 (23-25 mars)
USA - Församlingen - Israel

An earlier blog-post which is 
prophetic for Purim 2024 (March 23-25)
The US - The Church - Israel

In Swedish and in English


Händelserna i Esters bok i vår bibels
Gamla Testamente tilldrar sig ca år 480
före Kristus.

Kung Ahasveros regerar ett världsrike
som sträcker sig från Indien till Etiopien.

Ahasveros regerar som kungars kung
från "Susans borg" i Persien, närmast
motsvarande dagens Iran.

Inom Ahasveros väldiga rike finns ett
antal folkslag. Bland dessa bor många
judar, utspridda i samband med den
Babyloniska fångenskapen.

Även i Susa finns en judisk koloni, och
där finns en ung kvinna vid namn Ester.

Berättelsen om Ester är ett stycke judisk
historia, som ihågkoms vid judarnas

Men Esters bok är även i hög grad prof-
etisk, med ett viktigt budskap in i ändens
tid. Den berör den kristna församlingens
ansvar för det judiska folket och Israel.

Drottning Vasti visar en längre tid förakt
för Kung Ahasveros. Till slut förskjuter
kungen henne och söker en ny drottning.

Ester är en av de utvalda jungfrur som
får gå inför kungen. Hon är judinna, och
hon fostras av Mordokai, sin styvfar.

Kungen fäster sig mycket vid Ester;
hon står brud och blir ny drottning.
Hennes judiska identitet förblir hemlig.

Kungens nye tjänare Haman märker att
Mordokai inte bugar för honom i porten,
och han får höra att Mordokai är jude.

Ett hat växer inom Haman mot alla judar
i riket. Han kommer inför Ahasveros och
berättar om ett folk som inte lyder
kungens lagar.

Haman får kungens auktoritet att göra
vad han finner för gott med judarna. 

Mordokai får vetskap om hotet om ut-
plåning där han är "orsak". I förtvivlan
sänder han bud till Ester:

Ester måste gå inför kungen och söka
nåd för sitt folk.

Ester tvekar, det är förenat med livsfara
att gå inför kungen utan att vara kallad,
även om man är drottning.

Mordokai sänder då åter bud till Ester;

"Tänk inte att du ensam bland alla judar
ska slippa undan, därför att du är i kun-
gens hus.

Nej, om du är tyst vid detta tillfälle så
ska nog hjälp och räddning beredas
judarna från annat håll, men du och din
fars hus ni ska förgöras.

Vem vet om du inte just för en sådan
tid som denna har kommit till kunglig
värdighet?!" (Ester 4:13-14)

Ester blir utmanad. Hennes folk är i fara,
även Mordokai, han som ”varit hennes
uppfostrare” till nåden hon nu står i.

Ester är i en unik ställning att kunna plä-
dera för judarna inför kungen. Kommer
hon att undandra sig ansvar och kallelse
av rädsla eller av bekvämlighet.

Kommer Ester att förneka sitt ursprung?
Hur går det då med Ester, hon är ju själv

Efter en tid av fasta går Ester ”på tredje
dagen” inför kungen - och hon ”undfår
nåd”. Ester bekräftar sin judiska börd och
berättar om Hamans anslag mot judarna.

Kungens vrede upptänds. Haman, som
anklagat Mordokai för att inte hålla lagen,
hängs upp på pålen han förberett för

Mordokai, som endast vägrat buga för
Haman, frias.

Esters bok är brännande aktuell i en sen
tid. Över judar ännu i förskingring vilar
hotfulla skuggor och staten Israel blir an-
satt från alla håll.

Onda sinnen och tungor smider anslag,
desinformerar, använder lagutrymme - i
tro att man kan hindra Guds vägar.

Församlingen, "Kungens brud", är kallad
att bejaka sitt ursprung, att stå upp för
folket och nationen Israel och att
plädera för dem inför Konungen (Jesus).

Satan använde Haman för att söka att
utsläcka det judiska folket och så hindra
Messias att födas. I dag försöker han
hindra Messias att komma åter.

Genom att acceptera sin kallelse att stå
upp för sitt ursprung räddade Ester sitt
eget liv;

Är Ester en bild på vad som kommer att
avkrävas församlingen i ändens tid?

När alla folk vänder sig mot Jerusalem -
finns det då ett folk i folken som går inför

Björn Hellman 


The story in the book of Esther in the Old
Testament is set approximately in 480 BC.

King Ahasuerus reigns a kingdom that stretch-
es from India in the east all way to Ethiopia.
He reigns from "Susa, the citadel" in Persia,
almost the equivalent of today's Iran.

In the Kingdom of Ahasuerus lives many dif-
ferent people, and among these many Jews,
scattered at the time of the Babylonian

And even in Susa there is a Jewish colony,
among them a young girl named Esther. 
Ahasuerus reigns as King of Kings and his
word is law.

The story of Esther is a piece of Jewish history,
which is remembered by Jews every year, at
the Purim feast.

But - the story is also largely prophetic, with
an important message right into the very end
times that we are facing today.

The message concerns the christians respons-
ibility for the Jewish people and for Israel.

Queen Vasti had for some time showed
contempt for King Ahasuerus. At last the King
deposes her and start looking for a new Queen.

Esther is one of the chosen maidens who go
before the King. She is Jewish, and raised by
Mordecai, her stepfather.

The King is very fond of Esther; she becomes
bride and the new Queen. Her Jewish identity
remains secret.

The King´s new servant Haman becomes 
angry at Mordecai because Mordecai does not
bow to him in the gate, and Haman is then
told that Mordecai is a Jew.

A hate is growing within Haman, he conspires
against all Jews in the Kingdom. He goes be-
fore Ahasuerus, and tells of a people who do
not obey the King's laws.

Haman then receives the King's authority to do
whatever he finds for good with the Jews.

Mordecai gets knowledge about the threat
against his people, in despair he sends a mes-
senger to Esther; She has to go before the
King, and seek mercy for their people.

Esther hesitates; it is associated with death
threat to go before the King without being
called - even if you are the queen.

Mordecai then sends a new urgent message to

"Do not think to yourself that in the king’s
palace you will escape any more than all the
other Jews. 

For if you keep silent at this time, relief and
deliverance will rise for the Jews from
another place, but you and your father’s
house will perish.

And who knows whether you´ve not come
to the kingdom for such a time as this?”
(Esther 4:13-14)

Esther is challenged. Her people are in danger,
and so Mordecai, who has been her "educator"
into the grace she now stands in.

Ester is in a unique position to be able to
plead for the Jews before the King.

Will she evade responsibility, out of fear or 
convenience - deny her origin? What will then
happen to herself in the end.. she is also a

After a period of fasting Esther "on the third
day" goes before the King, and she "receives

She reveals to the King of her Jewish ancestry
and tells him about Haman´s evil plan against
her people.

The King becomes very angry; Haman, who
accused Esther´s stepfather Mordecai for not
keeping the law, are hung up on the very
same stake that Haman had prepared for

Mordecai, who only had refused to bow down
to Haman, is freed from all accusations.

The Book of Esther is a burning message
in a very late time. Over Jews in the diaspora
rest threatening clouds. the state of Israel is
being attacked from all sides.

Like in the time of Esther - where satan used
Mordekai to try to erase the Jews to hinder
the Messiah to be born - the same tycoon to-
day is trying to stop the return of the Messiah.

Evil tounges forge plans, misinforms, tries to
use laws, in the belief that they can prevent
the ways of God.

The christian Church, the King´s bride, is
called to fully affirm its origin, and to stand up
for the Jewish people and their nation Israel -
and to plead for them before the King.

That is how Queen Esther saved her Life.

Björn Hellman