Saturday, January 25, 2020

Why Mary is weeping

What a pain it must be in Jesus
mother Mary´s heart, now when
she is in heaven and she sees
a lot of religious people over the
globe more or less worship her,
and not her son.

She knows she and Jesus
brethren considered Jesus
crazy at one occasion, and they
all tried to stop him from fulfilling
his calling.

She knows about the truth which
Jesus told her on earth; that
even trough her hearth a sword
of spirit and truth would have to
go. She experienced that.

She saw them hit, wip, slaughter
her son beyond recognition,
while laughing and spitting at
him, then crucifying him. She
knew why it happened him and
not her.

She was not crucified for stand-
ing for the truth, he was. He
was innocent to the extent that
he could take our place on the
cross, she was not.

She knows she is in heaven
today, only because her son
died also for her sin. Her son
is her saviour.

Don´t ever worship Mary, don´t
ever hurt her in that way, that
she would feel she stands in
the way for people´s salvation.

If you worship Mary, if you pray
to her, and by that commiting
Spiritism, you will suffer eternal
damnation one day if you don´t

We should recognize Mary for
her simple faith, that she was
obedient when God spoke
to her, that she was willing to
be a vessel for God. That is
her absolute greatness, what
she should be remembered for.

/Björn Hellman

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Guess who created the Nations

God is not against nations and borders and
border security. When all the people tried to unite
without him (Genesis, 1st Book of Moses), and
started to build the tower of Babel, that is actually
when God created nations;

he spread people out, to build nations - he de-
cided their borders and he let each people have
its own language.

It is satan who wants to take away nationality,
borders and different people´s uniqueness, and
that we should feel ashame of what has been
built up of sound culture during generations in
our country.

When a "Judge" called Samson (in the Book of
Judges in the Old Testament or Tanakh) re-
vealed that his long hair was the secret to his
supernational power - the enemy cut his hair
and Samson lost his power and they stuck out
his eyes so that he became blind.

This was a real happening, but it is now a
picture that warns us not to lay down unique-
ness, our personality or nationality, because
of pressure - but be proud of it in a sound way.
Don´t let anyone blind you.

When God wanted to save the world, he
found a faithful man, Abraham, and he created
a people out of him, and he gave this people
a geographical landarea. Out of this people
came a Jew, Jesus of Nazareth - who became
the Savior of the world. The call of the Jewish

Jesus is still a Jew (!) and he will once reign from
his own capital City, Jerusalem - says the Bible.
Jerusalem will at that time be the mid-point of the
earth and the nations, says the Bible.

Each country and people has a special Calling
from God. He has not forgotten a single people.
The Bible urges us as believers to "make dis-
ciples of Nations".

The bible says "we are nor Jew nor Greek, nor
man, nor woman.. but we are all one in Christ".
Does that then mean we shall skip nationality?

Shall we then skip gender as well..? No, we
shall keep what God created, as "He saw that it
was good", but there is a high calling in Christ
for unity; nationality should not divide, but
should enrich in Christ.

We can read in the Bible that heaven was re-
vealed to St. John - so he could see people of
all nations Before the throne of God, everyone
praising in his own "tounge".

We can read in the Bible prophesies that when
Jesus Christ has come back to rule in Jeru-
salem, for 1000 years (which will happen quite
soon..), the Nations of the Earth shall go up to
Jerusalem every year, to celebrate the King
of Kings.

Nations are of God and nations will continue to
exist. God will resist socialistic attempts to de-
stroy Nations, and their sovereignty; which he
has created as a safety and a platform for each
people to seek him and find their personal and
their nation´s Destiny and calling.