Thursday, November 10, 2016

Mike Bickle - End Time Visions

Mike Bickle shares visions from God, and also
important teaching on the Jews in the End Times.

The first Youtube clip is about a vision where
Mike saw tanks all over the USA, and his view
is that Martial Law had been declared. He also
understood from an angel visit that destruction
as well as a great revival will come to the US.

The second Youtube clip regards teaching on the
Jews situation in the End Times. Many Jews are
back in the Holy Land, but the majority is still

God will send fishermen, but then also hunters, to
give them the opportunity to come back to Israel.
No hope for a Jew outside Israel.

We have just seen Mr Trump win the US
elections. I am wondering if this can be "the
Trumpet" that calls the American people back
to God for a close end time revival to come, as
well as devastation could come to the Country due
to mature sin. By that also a hunt on Jews (and
Christians) within America.

Mike Bickle: What the Lord is saying about
our Nation (the US):

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