Tuesday, November 8, 2016

America, Your Puzzle is difficult to crack

Kevin Mirasi is a prophetic voice, and Kevin
is for some reason given a special Eye for the
development in the US - with Barak Obama.

Kevin here gives his view on America and the
Elections, based on what the Lord has shown
him at many occasions, through Dreams &


Kevins view is that America is under God´s
Judgement. Not by this election - but since
Before, and that is why this current extreme

Reasons are that the American people has left
the well with fresh water, to serve other Gods.
Crucial is the abortion situation and the
mocking of God by redefining the institute of
marriage. Upon that the US administration of
today is hostile in the approach against Israel.

God is a loving God, shown by the Life of
Jesus - nothing is better than to put our lives in
his hand. But we should make no mistake, he
is also the judge of unrepented sin and evil.
America is a blessed Nation and with a great
Calling, and therefore much is wreaked of her.

Neither of the today´s President candidates are
a good one, that is obvious. And the election
will fall out as to what is God´s will.

Actually, God has shown Kevin that there is a
3rd candidate, Obama, acting in the background.
We will see how exactly that will work out, but
Obama will see for that his political agenda will
be continued in the US, even when he himself
eventually walks on into higher position on the
political arena.

Kevin, and many others, raises a warning that
the election result can culminate into the spread
of civil unrest. Due to the grave suspicion on

As I see it there is severe proof of fraud on the
Clinton /Democratic side, which is not taken
seriously by authorities.

Kevin asks Christians to show maturity and
humility, not to partake in or encourage
violence. God will take care of his chosen
ones in the US, even in times of trouble.

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