Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Zuckerbergs Facebook Shadowbanning

Mark Zuckerberg´s Facebook
seems to work heavily on
shadow banning, regardless
what he is claiming in

I can easily see that I am
reduced in how my public
postings reach out.

I write nothing illegal, I write
nothing offensive, ecxept
wehre it hit immoral. But I
am surely a nail in the eye
on political correctness.

My view is that Facebook
serves the leftwing agenda in
the world, that there for sure
are some agreements from
behind doors, so that Face-
book acts as a political tool,
not a neutral platform.

I experience the same on
my Blogger account - it is
just extremely obvious. And
strangely enough, it did hit
simultaneously in time.

Oligopole? Maybe their
main contribution comes
from governments. For
them to prove their inno-
cence. I think there will be
a clean up, hopefully jail-
time for some.

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