Interesting prophecy delivered by Mark Taylor, the
man of God that in 2011 prophesied in detail aboutDonald Trumps victory and further Presidency. The
following prophecy is from December 16, 2016.
The Spirit of God says, "Energy, Energy, I am
releasing new energy. For this new energy that I
am releasing will make my America and my lsrael,
energy independent.
For America and lsrael will now be the top energy
producers in the world. This new energy and the
technology to capture it, will spring forth from the
depths as the volcano erupts from the depths.
This is the sign that will be given.. a massive
volcanic eruption will signal that this is the time for
my America and lsrael and the end of the energy
corruption. OPEC, your evil regime will no longer
be tolerated. You will no longer be needed, for you
refuse to listen to my words and have not heeded.
For when that ring of fire blows its top, it will be a
sign to you that you will lose your stock and the
covenant you have with that ring will be lost."
The Spirit of God says, "You countries that have
dominated energy for decades, to move your evil
agenda, are charged with this guilt. Your days are
numbered and you will say, look how fast this was
My America and my lsrael will be one and because
of this, you will be undone. Because of your rage,
and the money you made from those countries you
manipulated and attacked from within, you will now
have to turn to those countries for help on a whim.
For your wells will go dry and your finances too, for
you will now be fed, from the Red, White, and Blue."
Mark Taylor´s internet site where he shares
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