Wednesday, August 5, 2015

What will happen if the US betray Israel?

The US is a nation founded on the Word of God, a nation created by God to stand up for the christian faith but also to be a defender of freedom of speech and to host and protect minorities rights etc. Also to be a defender of the jewish people and the nation of Israel.

When the largest jewish population in the World at that time was casted out of Spain in 1492, at about the same time the jew Christofer Columbus discovered a new continent.

Today the US (Obama) is on its way to betray Israel, probably soon voting in the UN for the putting of pressure on Israel to give up land for Peace, including Eastern Jerusalem.

The US already left God outside in many areas, by their abortion policies and also by recently redefining the institution of marriage.

How long can God have mercy on the US, as well as other nations. Or to put it another way; Maybe it is Gods mercy to send hard times, by that saving people from getting eternally lost. Instead of God doing nothing, just standing watching.

Prophecys of coming judgement from God over the US can be found in the following links. To be evaluated if these are Words from God or not.

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