Thursday, June 13, 2024

The joke of Hunter Biden being charged..

Hunter Biden charged, it is a total joke.

There is a Hunter laptop full of information
showing the real crimes Hunter Biden did,

and where Joe Biden is getting exposed as 
well - for money laundring and many other
fraudilent activites performed while he was
vice president, actually proving betrayals
against his own nation.

They charge Hunter lightly, to prove they
are not politically that they can
GET TRUMP, ie jail Donald Trump, while
Hunter in the end escapes prison or gets a
month or two..

This is what is going on, nothing else. And
God will expose everything. I don´t think
Joe Biden will live when this year is over,
we have to wait and see,

but in my world he will be gone. I believe
we are going to see a struggle withing the
"Democratic" party, even a ladies battle,
regarding who will sit in the once white

//Björn Hellman


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