Friday, June 7, 2024

The Curse That Struck the Iranian President | J Cahn

He who curses Israel will be cursed. It is a law.

The iranian president hated Israel, he gave the

order to send missiles that would struck down
in Israel and kill jews.

But.. his missiles was struck down by like an
unseen hand.

While his flying vehicle he was riding in, went
in Iran and killed Him..

He who curses Israel will be cursed. It is a law.

The iranian president hated Israel, he gave the
order to send multiple missiles aimed to struck
down in Israel and kill jews.

But.. all his +300 missiles were struck down by
like an unseen hand.

While his own flying vehicle he was riding in
went down, in Iran, and killed Him..

I say;
Soon it may be Biden´s time, if he doesn´t turn
from his secret deals and plans against Israel

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