Thursday, January 18, 2018

Embarrasing letter by Swedish christians

In a link below you can read what I view
a very embarrasing letter from a group of
christian leaders, organized under some-
thing called PCPJ, - where the head is a
young swedish progressive guy named
Micael Grenholm.

The letter was recently presented in the
swedish newspaper "Dagen", see link be-
low to the article. In this article you then
have the link to the website with the actual
"admonition" letter to president Trump:

I felt that someone from Sweden have to
meet up against this in my view disgrace-
ful writing, so I wrote a mailreply to
Dagen, in swedish, and included three
other swedish christian papers/magazines,
see copy of my letter below.

I also went into the website of this group,
PCPJ, and made a direct reply there, in
English. You find copy of this reply
further down below.

Please realize I am not defending Mr
Trump like he would be a perfect man. I
don´t know how perfect he has been with
women. What I know is that I have also
made certain remarks about women long

I am so glad I don´t have to hear again
and again of all my old sins. But media
and others try to find anything, true or un-
true, just to accuse Trump day and night.
The accusers have for sure done a lot
themselves in their lives.

Trump has accomplished so many good,
for christians very important, things -
which leftist media of course refuse to
report objectively on, in the US but the
same in Sweden;

Just think of being the first president with
enough guts to stand up for the voiceless
unborn children. Just think of he is the first
president to acknowledge Jerusalem as the
capital of the Jews. Very anoying for many
of those trying to foster him.

He is truly historical already, it is obvious he
has a calling from God; like Churchill in his
time, "who spoke absolutely too harsh against
Hitler", not many liked his rough style.

Trump has a calling alike king Cyrus (Kores)
in the Tanakh (Old testament), who became a
protecter of the Jewish people´s right to return
home and rebuild.

This is prophesied over Trump´s life by many
reliable voices of God. Trump can be criticised,
but not by boldly neglecting what he has acc-
omplished. That gives this letter a very wrong,
I would say childish, impression, at the same
time it also smears our country to some extent.

Why was there no burning desire to have a
writing encouraging president Trump for his
very bold (and costly) stands; for biblical
marriage, for the unborn, for Israel ? I just
wonder.. And I say this is a very partisan
letter, by persons probably using the WP and
the NYT as their pillow. Shame.

To Swedish newspapers / magazines:
Vilket brev..

Skrev dessa så kallade kristna ett brev till Obama

när han införde homosexuella äktenskap, promotade
"due date" aborter om bara huvudet fortfarande var
kvar i skötet, när han bedrog det judiska folket å det
grövsta den 23 december förra året på ett rent anti-
kristligt sätt, eller när han införde pissoarer på USAs
döttrars offentliga toaletter mm mm mm mm.

Jag kan inte minnas att jag sett något sådant brev.

Det skrevs troligtvis inte - för de blev inte till-
räckligt störda av de gärningarna - för de var troligtvis
inte i läge att lyssna in den Ande de här varmt pratar
om. Tack Gud för Sanningens Ande.

Det fanns inget beröm för Trump i brevet. Anmärk-
ningsvärt och oerhört respektlöst. De har själva inte
ens bemödat sig att följa en bred nyhetsförmedling,
det är uppenbart - men de har mage att åthuta
president Trump.

I Nordkorea finns koncentrationsläger med 100-
tusentals döende interner, många många kristna.
Men det stör inte. Jag förstår att dessa s k kristna
också hade klagat på retoriken mot en viss potentat
under ww2. För situationen är densamma eller

Jag hyllar Trump för hans Israelställning. Grenholm
tror inte ens på Israels berättigande i enlighet med
bibelns undervisning. Grenholm har fått en nivå av
plattform som inte motsvarar en kallelse från ovan.
Jag trodde mer om T Frej än detta.

Man talar om "the teaching of Jesus" men väljer att
inte omnämna Trumps viktiga inställning till Jesu
eget folk gentemot ett antisemitiskt FN, det säger mig
något om var deras hjärtan befinner sig.

De angriper Trump för saker han ska ha sagt till
någon kvinna för många år sedan. Men de är inte in-
tresserade av vad han säger idag, står för idag. Inte ett
ord om att han fått pris för sin Prolife hållning.
Obama f ö har en homosexuell livsstil bakom sig, som
sällan omnämns.

Detta brev går inte att ta på allvar, men det är mycket

allvarligt om våra unga kristna påverkas av detta. Jag
ber därför aktiv emot denna kampanj, och ber Gud
om förlåtelse för den.

Detta brev bör snarast efterföljas av ett brev där man
ber president Trump om ursäkt för det första brevet.

Björn Hellman

Answer to the organization PCPJ

This is a comment to the letter in question.

In my opinion the letter was a disgrace. It
should be followed-up immediately by an
excuse letter.

The most obvious (ungodly) thing is that
there were no encouragement whatsoever
for what Trump stand for of good things,
and have accomplished. No attempt at all to
honor president Trump, for:

-his support for the people of Jesus, the Jews,
and their nation and history, in an extremely
hostile world environment (UN).

-his standing up for the unborn, for which he
has just received medal.

-his firm resistance against the NK regime
and their holocaust camps with 100s of
thousands prisoners, many many christians.

-for that he wants to control who comes into
the country. I guess you lock your door in the
night not by hate but for protection of your
love ones.

-many other issues, not the less the economic

This letter was in my view a shame.

By the way – as comparison:

-Was there ever a letter sent to Obama when he
introduced homosexual marriages, and light-
up the White House?

-Or when he betrayed the Jews on Dec 23? A
real antichrist like decision in my view.

-Or for his support of abortion up to due date
(if just the head is still left in the womb)?

-For his many unconstitutional decisions
which normally would lead to indictments?

-For his formar homosexual lifestyle? In
comparison to what Trump may have said
years ago.

No – my view is this is as partisan as it can
get, and a religious, unspiritual initiative. It
is not in accordance with Jesus teaching.

It is obvious that you have not listen to
broad sources before your judging of Mr
Trump, you have followed left wing media,

I have followed american media for hours
every day for a couple of years, that is from
where I make this judgement.

If you find my reply regarding your letter to
president Trump a harsh one – I then remind
you of how I consider your letter to Mr
Trump and his administration.

Of course I wish you God´s blessings, but I
think you and the group behind the letter
really have to repent in this matter.

Björn Hellman

/Björn Hellman

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