For many this is probably "supplementary
study". But for those that are a little into Bible
prophecy, the message in the below link is
amazing. The actual happening is a couple
of years old by now.
You should of course make your own view
of this somewhat controversial message; in
a spiritual way with the bible as the ground.
However, what grips me with this clip is the
absolute authenticity, this is no way fictional
15-year old jewish boy Natan died and then
came back to his body. During the time he
was dead he was caught up into heaven.
There he saw numerous things which are
hard for him to describe or even speak about.
He was also brought to see and understand
about the place of Hell.
Natan was then shown how things will soon
escalate in the world and a major war
situation will occur. And also how the
countries of the world will finally unite
against Israel in a severe attack. Just like
Bible prophecy tells us.
He reveals all this before a stunning gather-
ing of Jewish Rabbis in Jerusalem, who are
well aware of the Scriptures and biblical
prophesies, but cannot understand how this
15 year old unreligious guy in T-shirt and
gym-shoes had this encounter and saw
future happenings they "only" read about.
It is amazing how much this young guy tells
us that are in line with Bible End time
prophecy, Natan knew almost nothing him-
self of the biblical scriptures before this
Shocking for many may be the fact of who
Natan saw will be the world leader (the
"Gog") that will initiate the worlds attack on
Israel - you can listen to this from minute 30
and on.
Right after that, Natan refers to two people
that are going to be woke up from the dead
in Jerusalem. This must then be the two wit-
nesses we know from the NT and the Book
of Revelations chapter 11.
It is also very amazing that Nathan mention
that he like met the Messiah. He said he did
not recognize him, but he came to under-
stand that he is a very famous person and
many will be schocked when they realize
who he is..
Most Jews don´t accept the Jew Jesus as
their Messiah, but the bible tells this will
be revealed for the Jewish people in the
study". But for those that are a little into Bible
prophecy, the message in the below link is
amazing. The actual happening is a couple
of years old by now.
You should of course make your own view
of this somewhat controversial message; in
a spiritual way with the bible as the ground.
However, what grips me with this clip is the
absolute authenticity, this is no way fictional
15-year old jewish boy Natan died and then
came back to his body. During the time he
was dead he was caught up into heaven.
There he saw numerous things which are
hard for him to describe or even speak about.
He was also brought to see and understand
about the place of Hell.
Natan was then shown how things will soon
escalate in the world and a major war
situation will occur. And also how the
countries of the world will finally unite
against Israel in a severe attack. Just like
Bible prophecy tells us.
He reveals all this before a stunning gather-
ing of Jewish Rabbis in Jerusalem, who are
well aware of the Scriptures and biblical
prophesies, but cannot understand how this
15 year old unreligious guy in T-shirt and
gym-shoes had this encounter and saw
future happenings they "only" read about.
It is amazing how much this young guy tells
us that are in line with Bible End time
prophecy, Natan knew almost nothing him-
self of the biblical scriptures before this
Shocking for many may be the fact of who
Natan saw will be the world leader (the
"Gog") that will initiate the worlds attack on
Israel - you can listen to this from minute 30
and on.
Right after that, Natan refers to two people
that are going to be woke up from the dead
in Jerusalem. This must then be the two wit-
nesses we know from the NT and the Book
of Revelations chapter 11.
It is also very amazing that Nathan mention
that he like met the Messiah. He said he did
not recognize him, but he came to under-
stand that he is a very famous person and
many will be schocked when they realize
who he is..
Most Jews don´t accept the Jew Jesus as
their Messiah, but the bible tells this will
be revealed for the Jewish people in the