Monday, July 18, 2022

You´re not called to foster the prophetic ministry

The enemies to God´s prophetic
movement today in paving way
for the Great Awakening, is sadly
enough not just enemies of
God but people zealous for Jesus.
They don´t want to hear people
that say they are of God talk on
politics. But politics is the arena
where things meet up and where
things need to be qonquered.
God created a woman for Adam,
and he created a bride for Chirst,
the Church. But he also educates
us in that government is from God
in order for us to have a peaceful
So of course the devil wants to
place himself in government
position, or, rather, his man, and
in the very top as much as
Why do you think he tempted
Jesus with all the Kingdom´s on
the earth right before Jesus were
to start his ministry?
It is the same reason why he try
to make christians to oppose the
prophetic ministry to engage in,
and speak, to the authorities.
He is deadly afraid of the true
prophetic ministry and anointing.
He wants the church to think
that 100 pastors make a prophet,
so we can exlude the fifth finger,
the important pointing one,
which is a special anointing in
the bottom.
The church is God´s army - but
the prophetic part of the five-
fold ministry points out the way
for the church.
Single mature leaders can, of
course, be in awareness - but it
is the spoken word from the
prophetic voice that put things
in motion in the for God im-
portant steps for the Church..
And - the ones opposing it,
saying "I follow Christ" is the re-
bellious. Without prophecy the
people are led astray, the prop-
hetic causes God´s people to
choose God´s direction at im-
portant crossroads.
If you are not a prophet, don´t
try to be the expert on what
the prophet can do or not do.
The church has too long put
up the boundaries for this
ministry, and have aborted so
many called into ministry.


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