Saturday, July 23, 2022

The Court of Heaven / Robin D Bullock

The last movement of God is, very obvious, led
by the prophetic ministry, which by that is
under strong attack not the least from broad
parts of the mainstream church.
Roe vs Wade was the devils very stronghold, a
curse over the federal US for 50 years, with the
Church being responsible, and the curse spread
throughout the western world by it acknowled-
ging and implementing similar laws.
The spiritual worldwar that has been raging the
last 15 years - with US as the headfront - has
been all about the devils fight to keep the
killing of the babies in the womb, the daily
blood sacrifices to him; kneebowing to his
promoted lifestyles.
The last years it has intensified, so that the
democrates in the US has begun to promote
"abortion" up to one month AFTER the child´s
birth (f ex in Vermont).
Now when Roe vs Wade was declared un-
constitutional by the US Supreme Court, on
midsummer eve, everything opened up for
judgments of powers using this law and other
ungodliness for their global purposes.
And Robin Bullock was a few days after the
SCOTUS decision led by God to do what the
clip below describes.
The last reformation of God we are starting to
see is one led by the prophetic ministry - no
matter what mainstream christians think about
it - it is not their decision, it is Gods; and it is
because it is more necessary than ever with
this fifth finger in the fivefold ministry in lead.
After Robin Bullock made these prophetic
obedience acts, leaders across the world has
started to fall and it is just a beginning, and
of course it is happening also within the
Church; where the judgment should begin.

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