The Gospel of Matthew 13:24
"The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure
hidden in a field. When a man found it,
he hid it again, and then in his joy went
and sold all he had, and bought that field."
This is a parable which Jesus shared with
his disciples. He taught them about God´s
Kingdom and what is required to be able
to enter it and inherit it.
The scriptures in whole tell us that Jesus
is that treasure in the field. To enter the
Kingdom of God you actually have to go
through a gate - and that gate is Jesus.
The Bible is very clear; there are no other
gates - and the reason is very simple;
Jesus is the only one that died in your
place, for your sin, it´s within Jesus Christ
where God has deposited forgiveness.
Why is it so difficult for many of us to
accept God´s only, but wonderful, door
into his own house?
The Gospel of John 10:9
"I am the gate; whoever enters through
me will be saved."
In Jesus - receiving him, and following
him - you will find and reach the fulness
of God´s Kingdom. All is deposited in
God´s Son Jesus Christ;
Paul´s letter to the Romans 8:32
"He who did not spare his own Son, but
gave him up for us all - how will he not
also, along with him, graciously give us
all things?"
Coming back to the found treasure in the
field; You cannot just grab the treasure -
it belongs to the landowner. But, following
rules, you could buy the field - it would
cost you exactly the amount that you
currently own (everything you own) !
If you made a correct valuation of the
treasure you found, you would easily let
go of your current "treasure". Anything
else would be stupid. You would gladly
sell all you have - for the far more valu-
able treause you found in the field.
Jesus, I Believe in you. I thank you that
you died for my sin on the cross, to bring
me to God the Father, to inherit his
Right now I receive you in my heart as my
Lord and Savior. I want to follow in your
footsteps trough life. Teach me and guide
me day by day, by your Word in the Bible.
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