current post is my no 667.
From the yesterday post I am suddenly
blocked from using the share-button on any
post, to share posts on the internet.
As I understand it, such sharing goes via
Google (Blogger is part of Google); I have
not changed any settings in my blog which
could cause the problem, so it clearly must
be an outside blocker.
On August 9, 2016 I posted a blogpost where
I made the assumption that Barack Obama is
the world leader that will emerge into the bib-
lical prophesided role of a coming Antichrist.
I was feeling quite unsure about posting that
specific post; what should friends and others
think..; this charming, lovely leader..! But, I
finally posted it anyhow.
They day after I found out that on the day of
posting that blogpost I had got 666 hits on my
blog! See my picture below (as well as find up
and read my Aug 9 2016 blogpost);
I had actually no check on that my post from
yesterday would become my no 666 post, and
as you can see in my blog, this post was again
one about Barack Obama.
This time I was sharing a prophecy by Kevin
Mirasi where he had been shown a vision from
God with Obama up in the sky, and other world
leaders on the ground obeying him. You can
see its title as well as the blog statistics in the
picture below;
I am aware of that some of you reading this will
regard it very speculative. Time will tell and we
will see how things develop in the world. I know
God wants to show his church in forehand what is
to come. He has done it in the Bible; but with that
as the absolute base, he also wants to give us more
specific signs when times of certain happenings
are approaching.
What are the odds for these two blog events to
happen just randomly? And why was I suddenly
blocked from sharing further posts on the internet?
I may now need to move to another blog-provider.
The 2nd Book of Thessalonians 2:7 tells us; "For
the secret power of lawlessness is already at work"
(NIV). I think that before we openly see the endtime
lawlessness fully exposed, they that are awake and
oppose lawlessness will see signs of it being pre-
pared for, and will meet opposition.
If we are of those that are a poke in the eye of evil
we may experience this a little more than others.
Regarding Obama; He has shown that he is very
anti-christianity, and he has shown lawlessness in
his way of govern the US. He actually faked his
birth certificate to be able to run for president.
I always said that I don´t think Obama will draw
back and grow carrots. He is an upcomer with very
diffuse background, who got a life trough the pol-
itics, and wants to stay in the public light.
In a very unbelievable, sick pattern, Obama today
follows President Trump around the world and try
to meet with the same world leaders that Trump
just met with.
A few examples from last 4-8 weeks are Angela
Merchel (DE), Moon Jae-In (SK), Justin Trudeau
(CA), and the Indonesian leader. He even showed
up at the very recent G20-summit a few days ago,
can you believe it.
It looks like Obama wants to keep up relationships
on high level - maybe in preparation for a coming
careerstep on the world stage; as a new UN general
secretary, or a world government position.
Yes - world government is coming. A new world
order is coming. This is no longer a conspiracy
theory, its is spoken openly about. A new money
system will be introduced, a chip in the hand or
on the forehead, whitout which you cannot buy
or sell, so you´d better be obedient to the one in
charge at the time of introduction of this system.
However, true christians will not be.
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