The hurricane Matthew caused a lot of trouble in the
Caribbean, a large number of casualties.
The prognosis was that it were to head further for the
Atlantic. But on Oct 5 it suddenly changed its course
and instead headed for Florida and the US Eastcoast.
It was on the same Oct 5 that Obama slammed Israel
for building new settlements. Obama wants to see
progress in this Middle-East issue, as he is soon to
leave office.
Below is the NASA infrared satellite Picture of the Eye
of the hurricane Matthew. Not sure what you see, but I
see a monster.

Thypoon Songda
The thypoon describes in news as "The Red Dragon"
caused (start Oct 15) Ocean waves to rise 30 feet; leading
to Oceanic waters splashing onto the beaches of West
Coast of The United States of America, and even Canada.
There was also widespread damage caused by fallen
Trees, fallen Live-wire electric Poles and Flooding, and
even very massive "rare" Two Tornadoes that hit the
state of Oregon. Not sure if the nickname The Red
Dragon is a sign of kind, anyhow that is an expression
sometimes used for China. (though the pícture looks more
like Russia..).

I strongly believe in the bible truth that "he who blesses
Israel shall be blessed and he who curse Israel shall be
Many has warned of that during 2016 there will come
a betrayal from the US against Israel - the US has
historically always put their veto against the UN security
councils different hostile votations against Israel.
In today´s New York Times, the "editorial board" of the
newspaper request from Obama that the US shall work
for a security council resolution that now pave the way
for "Peace" and a "two state solution" in the Middle-East.
They make the analysis, and bring Obama into the Picture,
in well rememberance of that Obama now only has a
couple of months left of his second / last presidential term..
Will Obama betray Israel with a kiss? In form of the
largest defence contribution in history that was given to
Israel a few weeks ago. Judas also "had plans" and
expectations on Jesus, that he eventually found they
would not be materialized, so he finally took things in his
own hands.
We should not read the story in forehand, be farfetching,
and sometimes I may read to much into things - but it is
a bit tempting to understand this huge money contribution
from Obama as being a kickback, for which the US expects
payback "in some form" in the Middle-East issue.
This is actually also what NYT is mentioning in their article
above; that Israel is really insulting Obama and the US, by
taking steps which show no gratitude to the huge offer
received from the US.
At last - two different prophetic Words previously been
spoken about that this nasty weather were to hit the region
including the US, and that more is to come if the US
continue to divide God´s land. These words are spoken from
dear brothers in Christ, Godly men (Prophets) which I
personally hold very high in trustworthyness, though their
records anyhow speak boldly for themselves.
Kevin Mirasi:
Shannon Johnson:
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