Saturday, July 13, 2024

Why was everyone healed ?

Why are not everyone get-
ting healed today?
Noone asked that question
when our example, Jesus,
walked the earth for 3 years;
Everyone got healed if they
came in the way of Jesus.
Even dead people suddenly
The bible itself expresses
why everyone were healed;
it was because Jesus soon
was to take every sickness
on himself, on that cross;

Matthew 8:16-17
When the evening came,
many who were demon-
possessed were brought
to him..

..and he drove out the
spirits with a word &
healed all the sick.
This was to fulfill what
was spoken through the
prophet Isaiah:
“He took up our infir-
mities and he bore our

We have healing in Jesus.
The New Testament says
"by his stripes we ARE

We need to believe in the
fullness of what Jesus did
(past tense) for us on the

We don´t say to anyone
"you might not be forgiven
even though Jesus died
for your sin";

We should act as logical
and consistent also in the
matter of healing, as

Jesus dealt with not only
sin but with all the conseq-
uences thereof, on the one
and same cross, once and
for all..


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