Sunday, January 29, 2023

Whitney Houston came into the throne-room of Heaven

Kat Kerr saw W. Houston before God´s throne.

I listened to Kat Kerr in an interview yesterday.
Kat is the lady with the pink hair, which makes
her not a good christian to many religious.
Kat has been to heaven hundreds of times, by
the grace of God. She calls herself, God does as
well, revelator; She reveals about heaven to the
Church on earth.
Cat told about that God lifted her up to heaven
and the throne room of God the same day as
Whitney Houston passed away.
Cat saw Whitney entering heaven, and how she
came before the throne of God the Father.
The Father opened a box and released a never
heard song, and said to Whitney that he had
saved this song for her because she had been
true to her calling and to the use of the talent
he had given her.
When the Father opened the box, the music
came out in visible form as a robe which then
surrounded Whitney. And he sang it for her.

I don´t have to try to explain how beautiful it
must have sounded when God in this way
honored Whitney. He didn´t tell her about her
struggles and her shortcomings.
It is important that we are faithful in what God
has given us to serve him on earth. It is very im-
portant that we search him and honor him on
earth in the midst of shortcomings and failures.
He will honor our faith and that we, like Whithey
in this song, honor the blood of Jesus that was
shed for us on Calvary cross. In the light of what
he did on the cross, our failures fade away.
And when entering heaven, only through the
blood of Jesus, no other way possible, everything
in our lives are made complete in the image of
our Lord Jesus Christ.
The last song Whitney sang on earth, just before
she passed, was a "simple" song; Jesus loves
me this I know, for my Bible tells me so". She
chose that song when people like always wanted
her to sing for them.
It became her hallmark, to be remembered how
she left this earth for an eternity in heaven.
The most important thing for a human being is
to believe in Jesus and what he did when he took
our place on the cross. That opens the door to

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