Friday, September 2, 2022

Maybe time to prep even for "non-preppers"

About a year ago both me and my wife
felt an urge to start to build up a reserve
of food and other daily need. So we
went ahead to make some first purchases.
We are not at all natural preppers.
We figured it reasonable to have supply
to manage for 6-8 weeks. Talking about
the possibility to keep the warmth, to
cook, to have food and water.
Coming home from this start up buying,
I took up preparation of dinner. While I
was cooking, the electricity suddenly
went off, very unusual, this was in the
evening so everything around went dark.
Then I hear my wife coming down the
stairs. She was "exited". She had listened
to a Youtube clip which was about to be
prepared for a critical situation or period.
And just when the man in the program
said something like; just think about if
the electricity suddenly went off and dis-
appeared for a while, and you were not
At that very moment, the electricity in
our house went off, and her computer
went off, this was while I was cooking.
We don´t know how everything will end
up, but there is more and more talk
about a radical price-raise on electricity
and of possible sudden power restrictions.
And the shelfs in our local supermarket
show very uneven supply.
I think it is a good thing to prepare a
little like we have done, and not just
rely that everything will work "like
normal". It is a little like sticking the
head down in the sand. Especially now
when there´s a serious public discussion
in the matter.
As an anecdote; only a few weeks after
we started up our "prepping", there
was an article in the news where the
Swedish Central Bank in Stockholm
shared they had felt they should be an
example and do some prepping at the
office, they presented the listing they
had made of what to buy and store.

//Björn Hellman

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