Thursday, March 5, 2020

Satan´s counterfit plan

Regarding God´s prophetic plan
with Israel, the church and the
world; the devil has his counter-
fit plan. He is only able to imitate,
and very bad; because love is
not within him.

The counterfit plan involves
history, heritage, timelines, a
people and a scattering of the
same, a peace of land, and leader-
ship. And probably much more.

Muslims claim that Abraham´s
first-born son Ismail (with Hagar,
Sarah´s maid) was the promised
son, while the Bible claims very
clear that Isaac was the promised
son; "..Sarah will have a son",
an impossible birth by an over-
aged infertile woman.

When God started to act with
Israel again according to his
prophetic word, about 100 years
ago and after about 2000 years
of exile, to bring the jews home,
then suddenly another "people"
began to rise, the so called pale-
stinians. These claim they were
scattered by their enemies the
Jews, when the Jews proclaimed
their reborn nation in 1948. This
is an 180 degrees turn from

By this, the World has, instead
of rejoicing over the miracle of a
reborn Jewish state and a regath-
ering of the Jewish people, be-
come occupied with condemning
the Jews for taking the land from
palestinians. Palestinians never
were a people. most palestinians
carry Jordan passport. Their most
famous spokesman, Arafat, was
late found to be an.. egyptian!

All ancient places in the Holy
Land that has a history spoken
of in the Old Testament, has just
recently been decided to be
mentioned only by their arabic
names - the UN decided this, and
sadly current Sweden govern-
ment voted for the decision.

Muslims claim that the Temple-
mount is a holy place for them,
they built their Mosque upon
the remnants of the old Jewish
temple. But - Jerusalem was
never holy to muslims until
Jews started to move in to the
Holy Land again. For Jews
the city is holy since 1000s
of years, and is mentioned in
the Bible on almost each page.

The devil knows that Messiah
will return to Jerusalem one day,
according to the Bible. There-
fore, the bible prophesy to us
the devil will put his man, the
Antichrist, in a newbuilt temple
in Jerusalem during a few years
before the true Messiah returns -
the devil will try to deceive the
World that the Antichrist is the
true, awaited Messiah.

Just like Jesus the Messiah will
arrive to rule a Kingdom in a
new timeage to come (for 1000
years); the AntiChrist will ask
people to follow him into an
exiting new timeage. But it will
lead to damnation and hell for
those who choose to follow him
instead of Christ;

God seal his loved ones with the
Holy Spirit inside. The Antichrist
will try to seal the worlds popul-
ation, every single person, with
"the Mark of the Beast" implan-
ted in the bodies, without which
noone will be able to buy or sell.
We read about this in the Book
of Revelation in the Bible.

To not refuse this Mark but take
it, will be an absolute choice of
whom one will serve; just like
God gives the Holy Spirit to
those that are obedient to Him,
and those that do will share the
fate of the devil forever and ever.

/Björn Hellman

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