Wednesday, February 20, 2019

No 666 connected to blogposts

Ok, let´s see how many can
take this. I just share it as it

Sometimes I do experience
strange things..!

A couple of years ago (2016)
I wrote about a world politician
that I thought he do fit into the
picture / the biblical description
of the coming Antichrist.

Partly why I wrote about this
was because a prophetic voice
which I respect very much had
shared about the same many
times; he had experienced it
by the Lord in serious visions.

Try to understand the schock I
got the day after I had posted
this blogpost - when I saw that I
had got exactly 666 hits in total
on my blog that same day!

See the picture I took of my
screen, the photo evidence,
below. What are the odds that
this happen by chanse..?

Fotobeskrivning saknas.

But - it is not enough with that.
A little later I suddenly experi-
enced that I was blocked by
Google/Blogger from sharing
my posts. Probably by that I
wrote on something contro-
versial, which I often do.

I then directly tried to check
why I was blocked, and I found
that I had got blocked from a
post which was on the exact
same subject as the above.

And - most chocking was; it
was my exact 666th blogpost.
I have photoevidence of this
as well. See below. I made a
667th blogpost to talk about
what schockingly happened.

Today I have well over 1000
posts behind me since the
blogstart back in 2015. It never
happened anything similar
by random, nor before nor

This number have appeared
two times only - and in direct
relation to the mentioned

//Björn Hellman

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