Tuesday, September 27, 2016

The rider on the white horse

Shannon  Johnson, a watchman on the wall
for the Lord Jesus Christ, is convinced that
Barak Hussein Obama is the biblical person
"the Antichrist". Shannon is also a Christian
rap artist. This video is his production;


God has shown Shannon these things about
Obama through numerous Visions&Dreams
and prophetic encounters. And Shannon is
warning the US and the rest of the World for
what is to come. You can easily watch all his
warnings on Youtube (boldsojah4christ).

It is our responsibility to not despise, but try
each prophetic message before the Lord and
his Word.

Shannon is paying a price to follow what he
believes the Lord has called him to do. There
are many others having the similar revelations
regarding Barak Obama. Kevin Mirasi is one
of them whom God is speaking to very powerfully.

We may think that when the Antichrist comes
he will look horrible and act horrible.. No, when
he appears he will be applaued by the masses for
his great speeches, his charisma, and his visions.
Especially will this be the case if he enters his
top World position in a time of great distress
around the World. People will not fear him
because he will be known to them by his
previous political position.

I have been wondering back and forward, can
this really be it. After a lot of arguing over a
certain blogpost in this matter I finally posted
it, this was some months ago. When I checked
my blog the next day, I had got 666 hits on my
blogsite that special day.

My "problem" is that Shannon Johnson and
Kevin Mirasi are so trustworthy to me in their
appearances, their godliness. They are clean
vessels in my view. My heart says yes to both
their personal approach, as well as to their
messages in this matter.

Yes, time will show. But when time shows it
may be a little late to prepair - there must be
a reason why God let servants share prophecy
and reveal certain things before they occur.

Björn Hellman

Kevins prophetic blogg

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