Sunday, November 22, 2015

Focus on the everlasting glory

Hereby a statement which I believe is very important, when
it comes to the understanding of the times we live in, with
escalating chaos and violence;

Below I have copied in the message from the link - with one
of the statements put in bold. We need to understand one im-
portant purpose with these birth pains coming to the earth;

This morning of 22nd November 2015, I heard The LORD
speaking to my spirit in a vision of The LORD, and The
LORD saying the following: “The people of the earth
(including the church) should focus on the Everlasting
Glory. The Season of Latter Revival has begun. The Birth
pains have also began; otherwise people will become
too comfortable with the earth and forget about pre-
paring for the Everlasting Glory in Heaven".

Your Brother in Christ,
And a Servant of The LORD:
Kevin Mirasi.

I think the birth pains coming to the Earth ( the bible clearly
speaks about that they will come) are part of the mercy of God.

If we did not experience such birth pains, I think we would not
prepare for heaven.

There would actually be a big risk that we want to welcome
Jesus to the Earth instead, where we feel so comfortable, in-
stead of that we prepare for what many actually have forgotten
about or consider strange (but the bible clearly tell us will
come in-between); the rapture of the believers of Christ, at a
time when Life is becoming harder on Earth, and sin is be-
coming mature like in Sodom.


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