from the Lord concerning the leaders of
both Ukraine and Russia, as well as war-
mongering leaders in Europe. Their time
seem to be up soon, if not repentance.
Don´t take this word lightly. Ponder upon
it again & again. The time is running out
for Zelenskyj, who´s kind of a "king Saul"
(ref. Old Testament) and came to make a
public play with "David" in the W.H.
The corruption within the Ukraine leader-
ship is touched, hidden unrightious funds
are mentioned, which will be revealed.
Interresting for me is that even Switzer-
land is mentioned. Switzerland is where
World Economic Forum operates (and is
a dark force behind curtains) as well as
the bank of banks, BIS.
The world is in for a ride - as the Lord
comes out on the scene, be careful about
which side you are leaning at; Lean on the
Lord, and pray for his will to be done in
this hour.
And understand, finally, the call that rests
on Donald Trump´s shoulders, a man God
has anointed. He has a tough road to walk
himself in all this, to keep himself both
strong AND humble before the Lord.
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