Thursday, November 30, 2023
Wednesday, November 29, 2023
Brave Arab Woman Openly Support Israel eliminating Hamas
Don´t miss out on this encouraging interview.
This woman is brave while Hamas are cowards
hiding behind child-carriages.
Dennis Prager: Supporting Hamas is like supporting Nazis in WW2
Among the worlds +200 nations, there is
only one nation which is said to have no
right to exist, where it is accepted to shout
at it; "from the river to the sea, palestine
shall be freed".
CBN News: Misconceptions About Israeli Conflict
Don´t miss out.
News lyou don´t get them
from anywhere else.
Amanda Grace Prophetic: America at the Throne of Satan
Do you realize what prophets think
about Barack Hussein Obama, who
he is serving, where he´s aiming at?
Tuesday, November 28, 2023
Kfir, 10 Months Old, Hold by Hamas as a Prized Possession
Kfir was 9 month-old when abducted from
his home by Hamas. He is already 50 days
in captivity.
Hamas is refusing to release him as part ofthe hostage release. They view him as a
prized possession...
This is what you support by "Free Palestine"
Monday, November 27, 2023
UN, WHO, Red Cross in denial and lying. Evidence
UN, WHO, Red Cross:
"No evidence Hamas took hostages to hospitals"
Hamas terrorists: "We took hostages to hospitals" Link:
Sunday, November 26, 2023
Barry Wunsch Prophetic Encounter Involving J F Kennedy
"What J F Kennedy couldn´t
finish, Donald J Trump will."
Jews @ Israel were always attacked by (help from) Left, from Hitler and on
It was always left-leaning powers who
either attacked Israel and Jews directly,
or supported islamic attacks.
Hitler´s party was called "The German
National-Socialistic Workers Party.
A very similar name to Sweden Social-
Democratic Workers Party.
This Swedish left-party was in single
rule in Sweden in October 1938 when
they agreed with Hitler to stamp a 8cm
high J in arriving Jews passports. Easy
to control /send them back to their fate.
Attacks on the Jews & their state from
after WW2 have been performed, or
were financed, by leftists or left leaning
nations & governments, while mostly
performed by mus- lim groups / nations,
(I consider Iran as a direct attacker).
The powers of the left is very strong,
left-led nations actually reign the UN
together with muslim nations & they
have managed to point all antisemitism
against right-wing smaller groups, to
hide their own evil motives.
//Björn Hellman
Saturday, November 25, 2023
Geert Wilders reveals truths about Jordan & palestinians
new prime minister
bravely states the
Over 90% of Jordan's population
are Palestinians
The current ruling “king” is from a
foreign tribe that has nothing to
do with Jordan (installed by the
British after WWI)
All it took for Spain to recognize "Palestine"..
All it took for Spain to recognize "Palestine"
was for the Palestinians to murder, rape, be-
head, torture, mutilate, and kidnap 1400+
Obviously, that showed they were ready for
responsible statehood, or something.
This brings a curse upon Spain.
Henrik Jönsson: (S) har över tid krävt normalisering av HAMAS
Missa absolut inte.
Hela Sverige måste nu inse vad (S) allierat sig med
och vad de utfört i vårt land för att vidga sin väljar-
bas, under det att den vanliga svensken fick veta att
det handlade om bl a omsorg om flyktingar..
Idag är (S) ett knäpptyst parti vad gäller kritik mot
Hamas, efter att de fått en flod av judehatiska kom-
mentarer sedan de först uttryckte ett "pliktskyldigt"
avståndstagande efter mass-slakten på judar 7 oktober.
Friday, November 24, 2023
This says it all: 93% of Arab residents in Jerusalem Prefer Israeli Rule.
2 million arabs live in Israel.
They like it very much.
They have no plans to move and
come under Hamas murder-ruling.
Thursday, November 23, 2023
Israeli Ambassador Gilad Erdan / A Rightious Voice in a Parodic Evil UN
God is speaking to a UN Security Council
that is drowning in its own hypocrazy.
Wednesday, November 22, 2023
Where Ethnic Cleansing In the Middle-East Really Took Place
Have a look at where ethnic cleansing
in the Middle-East really took place
the last 50-100 years..
in the Middle-East really took place
the last 50-100 years..
As usual, the real world is the opposite
to the deceptive narrative most let them-
selves be feeded with.
Tuesday, November 21, 2023
Monday, November 20, 2023
Why so many Māoris are standing for Israel / Wow!!!
Don´t miss out!
Maoris are tough people, tough christians.
The "palestine" supporters cancelled their rally..
British doctor who used to work at Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza
To enter certain areas of the hospital
were very dangerous and you could
end up being shot..
Trump Ruthlessly Attacks Biden Over China After APEC Summit...
You can´t afford to miss this..
The World needs Donald Trump badly.
He will come back when you ask him to.
joking. He is back 2024, for his third term.
Israel PM Netanyahu warns 'axis of terror' could target the US next
Israel is fighting our war, like the
allies fought the war against the
nazis, for the ROW.
Also: If Iran can finish its strive
to get nuclear weapons ready,
they can hold a whole world
Sunday, November 19, 2023
Franklin Graham Sees Devastation in Israel
Franklin Graham walks in his father´s footsteps.
He brings hope and comfort where he appears,
here in Israel and the areas devastated by Hamas
cruelty. Jews regard him as a spiritual leader.
Francisco Gil-White Shares Shocking Revelation on Israel-Palestine
Important historic chronology is being laid out, as well
as certain persons historical roles and impacts, not the
least the mufti Haj Amin el-Husseini, a muslim leader
and member of SS who required of the nazis the final
solution, as he didn´t want the Jews in the Middle-East.
Survey finds 86% of Palestinians support Oct 7 Massacre
They got very afraid of this Youtube Clip.
So here is the address to it:
You Are Not Alone. 300.000 in March for Israel / CBN News
84% of americans support Israel
according to a new investigation.
SinWar´s life once was saved by Israeli physicians
Yahya Sin-War, head of Hamas in Gaza, had an aggressive
brain cancer years ago. He was operated in Israel and re-ceived extensive treatment, leading to his full recovery.
All paid by Israeli taxpayers. Israel saved his life. He sent
his "thank you" to Israel on October 7th.
Saturday, November 18, 2023
Friday, November 17, 2023
Answer to raped: all deeds by Hamas are considered self-defence
You said you were raped?
Don´t worry, we are here to help you.
Do you say you are an israeli..
and that the rapist was a palestinian
Hamas warrior..?
Sorry, don´t take it personally but
we have directions saying that all
deeds done by Hamas shall be
considered acts of self-defence.
You remember when votes where moved on the TV-screen?
I was watching just like many americans
Remember this? I do. We were watching.
Share and don’t let them forget that the
whole world knows.
Abortion is an offer of the unborn to Baal
Abortion is an offering of the unborn child tothe evil spirit of Baal - who desires blood tobe fed & receive power - just like people didin ancient days in the Middle-East.
allowed to live instead of being aborted are
captured in other ways, like confusion & evil
It´s how it works. Abortion is a curse.
Argentina´s conservative pres. candidate waves Israeli flag
conservative presidential candidate
waves Israel Link:
Olaf Scholz takes strong stand for Israels right in the conflict
How strong by Olaf Scholz to take a 180
degree other stand than the UN and the
left. God bless him - let us pray for him,
his family and for Germany.
Link to speech:
Thursday, November 16, 2023
Christa Elisha: A Prophetic Vision of Russia & Ukraine
Take part of this vision that God gave Christa Elisha. It tells us clearly that things are going on that are not told us by governments or media.
A Vision of Russia & Ukraine 2/28/22
As I was asking the Lord how to pray for Russia and Ukraine I went into a vision. Suddenly I was in the atmosphere along the boarder of the disputed territory. The Holy Spirit told me to decree and release “MERCY, MERCY, MERCY, MERCY” over the people, specifically the believers on both sides.
Then the Spirit took me down onto the land and I watched as war machines advanced into the Ukrainian territory. Suddenly the war machines turned into tractor plows. Their large circular blades dug deep into the soil and began to till the earth. I heard “full circle season” and I knew that unjust things done long ago had came full circle and a harvest of corruption was due.
I looked closely at the broken ground and realized that there were secrets that members of Ukrainian elite and government officials had attempted to bury that was being uncovered and drawn to the surface for the world to see by the tilling of the plow blades. I heard the words ‘Convolution’ and ‘mass exposure’ and “attempted cover up.” As this was taking place I watched as it appeared to be government angels follow behind the plows to collect the evidence and secure it for trials connected to multiple countries. America, UK, China, Sweden and Italy all flashed before me.
The Lord then had me to decree:
1. that everything done in darkness would be revealed in all the nations of the world.
2. that secrets in hidden places would be exposed and taken as undeniable evidence of corruption.
3. that certain government take overs would be turned over and that God’s agenda with truth, justice and light would prevail.
As I finished the decrees I saw the ground that was plowed suddenly turn into a massive harvest field full of waist high wheat ready to be gathered. The Spirit of God said “Now ask me to send harvesters into the fields.” So I prayed “Lord of the harvest, send the harvesters into the fields of Russia and Ukraine to bring in a massive harvest of souls! I pray not one would be missed and that what the enemy meant for evil you would turn around and use for good! In Jesus name! “
I invite you to join me in these decrees and prayer over Russia, Ukraine and the nations as well. Do not be afraid saints. The true and the false is all being revealed in this hour. Heaven knows the full story that the corrupted mainstream media will never tell you. Stay in your position of faith and do not give in to fear. God is going to turn it all around for his glory!
Link to the original FB-post with the exact same message:
//Björn Hellman
Islam skapades 2.200 år efter att Israel bildades
Du kanske har en bild av att islam
och judendom alltid har funnits sida
vid sida och alltid har varit i konflikt.
Då behöver någon tala om för dig att
islam skapades ca 2.200 år efter att
Mose, Josua och Kaleb förde Jakob´s
ättlingar, de 12 stammarna efter hans
tolv söner, in i det förlovade landet;
"Förlovade" betyder att det var lovat i
förväg, av Gud till Abraham, att hans
ättlingar genom Isak och Jakob skulle
besitta landet som Abraham vid tiden
för löftet levde i som nomad och herde.
Stammarna, som under 400 års fången-
skap i Egypten växt till minst 2 miljoner
människor, gick in i landet ca år 1600
f kr. Islam uppstod ca år 600 e kr. Tänk
på detta en stund, känn på siffrorna och
tidsspannet emellan. Tänk dig t ex ditt
eget land Sverige bara 1000 år bakåt..
Det är idag ca 3.600 år sen judar för
första gången gick in i det land de idag,
ännu bara delvis, besitter;
löftet, och det de tidigare besatt, var ett
mycket större område än det Israel av
idag vi ser.
Guds löften är alltid eviga, han tar ej
tillbaka dem som vi ibland gör, och
bibelns GT profeterar på ett antal
ställen om att judarna efter försking-
ringen efter Kristus skall i tidens slut-
skede återvända till sitt land i en för-
beredelse för Messias (andra) ankomst.
Islam borde vara en ödmjuk rörelse
eftersom den är i barnaålder jämfört
med judendomen. Istället är islam en
stolt och hårdför rörelse som menar
att man är den senaste uppenbarelsen
från gud, som är kallad att inta världen.
Men om Gud är en frisk person, så
skapar han inte en fortsättningsrörelse
samt skrifter som är i sådant motsats-
förhållande mot vad han tidigare har
sagt och hur han tidigare agerat.
Därför pekar allt mot att vi talar om
två motriktade krafter när vi jämför
judendom/kristendom mot islam.
Bibeln varnar oss för läror som uppstår
och som säger att Jesus inte är Guds
Son, och det är precis vad islam säger;
islam är en lära som förnekar behovet
av en frälsare, vilket är centralt i den
kristna tron vilken är en fördjupat up-
penbarelse av gammaltestamentlig tro,
där ju Jesus, Messias, blev det ultimata
offerlammet som bar alla människors
Både judar och hedningar, judar och
muslimer, behöver juden Jesus Kristus
som sin frälsare för att inte gå evigt
Jesu blod på korset renar människan
från hennes synd så att hon kan upptas
i evig gemenskap med den Gud som i
och med en människas acceptans av
Jesu blod som betalningsmedel för
synd blir hennes fader.
//Björn Hellman
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