Friday, December 4, 2020

Adonia or Solomon - Who do we choose?

Some say pres. Trump
should concede. Even
religious people say.
Why should he concede
when God says he won?
Why should he concede
to a thief?
Why should he concede
to a babykiller?
Why should he concede
to a traitor that are in
alignment with, and are
about to sell out the
nation to, China?
David didn´t concede to
Adonia who selfcrowned
himself and put pressure
on the people to hail
David, with help from
Nathan (the prophetics)
& Batsheba (the Church)
& David´s heroes (the
loyal ones), instead
boldly crowned the
chosen one, Solomon.
When he/they did, fear
moved from them over
to Adonia!

/Björn Hellman

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