Monday, November 9, 2020

Trump will never become a religious convert

Can God have raised Donald Trump
as a trumphet in a package that most
of the church would never accept?
Was the way Donald Trump operates
intentional - a test to the church to
see whether we could truly discern
if we have been delivered from a
religious spirit or not ?
I saw one of those fine, a little lawish
pastors once interview Donald Trump.
And the pastor asked Donald whether
he used to repent from his sins or
In the air was that he wanted to have
Donald to feel bad conscious and be-
come a feather in the pastors hat, "a
religious convert".
I never forget Donald Trumps answer.
A little "embarrassed" (not too much)
he answered. I don´t repent like that.
I always try to do it better next time.
Jesus were so good at stopping the
mouth of farisées. I don´t think that
was the motive of Donald. It was just
so picturing of who he is.
Don´t ever try to cut Simson´s hair.
Don´t ever let the religious people
cut your hair. Your power is in your
hair, as is your victory.

Björn Hellman

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