Sunday, January 26, 2025

Trump Presents A Plan To EMPTY GAZA!

Jewish Crowd Shocked as Elon Musk Describes His Love For Jews

The ridicolous accusation against
Elon that he made a nazi salute.
Some people just wait for things
to misue, to mislead.

Elon is one of few who visited the
places of the massacre/holocaust
that took place on Oct 7. This while
most of his accusers took a stand
for the terrorists action on Jews.

Thursday, January 23, 2025

A Grace / A Prophetic Warning: Stargate and America’s Golden Age

President Trump Signs Pardons For 23 Pro-Life Activists

When the Snow Falls Prophecy

Listen til the end..

Fmr. Proud Boys leader celebrates release after Trump pardon

Enrique wasn´t even in Washington on
Jan 6. But he was a valuable symbol to
misuse to frighten people into not resist-
ing the Biden maffia system.

Enrique was looking at 22 years stay as
a political prisoner. Yesterday he hug
his wife and four boys after about 3
years in prison isolation.

His hope was pres. Donald Trump, and
he didn´t fail him nor the about 1.500
other prisoners. Let us now pray that
the real gangsters will be imprisoned
for what they did to so many peaceful

Friday, January 17, 2025

John Rich's Surprising Message to Garth Brooks After Trump Win!

Sanningens Ande och villfarelsens ande

1 Johannes brev 4:1-6 (bibeln, NT)

Mina älskade, tro inte varje ande, utan
pröva andarna, om de är av Gud eller ej;
för många falska profeter har gått ut i

Så här känner ni igen Guds Ande:
varje ande som bekänner att Jesus är
Kristus, kommen i köttet, är av Gud;
men var och en ande som inte så be-
känner Jesus, han är inte av Gud.

Den anden är Antikrists ande, om vilken
ni har hört att den skulle komma, och
som redan nu är i världen.

Ni kära barn, ni är av Gud och har över-
vunnit dessa; för han som är i er är
större än den som är i världen.

De är av världen; därför talar de vad
som är av världen, och världen lyssnar
till dem.

Vi åter är av Gud. Den som känner Gud,
han lyssnar till oss; den som inte är av
Gud, han lyssnar inte till oss.

På detta sätt känner vi igen sanningens
Ande och villfarelsens ande.

Thursday, January 16, 2025

I DREAMED A DREAM | The Assassination OF President Donald Trump

Pray for president Trump from now and over
the inauguration, especially the day before, on
January 19th. A very serious attepmt to take
his life is in the planning, but God will stop it
when we pray unanimously.

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Gavin. Abortion promotion in Jesus name. Wildfires. - Connections?

A week before the wildfires in California
took off, the governor Gavin Newsom
put out public billboards around the
state which promoted abortion,
and he took use of the name of Jesus &
a specific bible-verse to defend the stand
on promoting abortion "as an act of
loving your neighbor".
What can you expect after that.. after
Californians had given that man renewed
confidence in the last election vote.
God is longsuffering and he has showed
it, but he is not mocked. When you pass
a certain line things goes fast; as he
takes away his loving protection people
will realize there is no neutral ground.
What is scary is that sleezebags like G.
Newsom (& B. Obama) can appear with
a certain charm and a forktounge and
put on a christian look & word-sallad &
be invited in many christian contexts.
While other more straight-speaking
leaders are rebuked and rejected, in the
name of the Lord. 


Psalms 50:15-16
But to the wicked person, God says:
“What right have you to recite my laws
or take my covenant on your lips?
You hate my instruction and cast my
words behind you.

Mötet som förändrade mitt liv - Vittnesbörd

Monday, January 6, 2025

Justin Trudeau Prophecy | Prophet Charlie Shamp

People say that God does not prophesy in our
modern days.. but for every major happening
the last years in the US and issues concerning
the US, and Israel, I have shared previously
prophesied words regarding each of them.

God does nothing without letting the prophetic
ministry know to some (chosen) extent. Why
do I find God´s addressings while others don´t,
leadership don´t? Is it pride that shuts the door
to being able to receive.

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

M Johnson prophesied J Carters death take place before 2024 end

The news before the news.

But prophesy is not a guess game and it
is not even sensationalism, it is about
that God lives outside time and speak of
things in forehand to prepare listeners, ie
the Church.

If you listen well you will find out that
what Manuel Johnson shared in March
2024 became a signpost of things that
would take place aorund and from from
this special happening.

Jimmy and his wife was unseparable, and
she was asking from heaven for Jimmy &
the Lord says they both will "be with me".

Hank Kunneman - SPECIAL NEW YEAR PROPHECY: 2025-2028