Sunday, December 29, 2024
Saturday, December 28, 2024
Friday, December 27, 2024
Thursday, December 26, 2024
Wednesday, December 25, 2024
Trump Appointee Reveals What’s Wrong with the US Army
Don´t miss out.
We will see a lot more of this guy soon.
Monday, December 23, 2024
Sunday, December 22, 2024
Friday, December 20, 2024
Thursday, December 19, 2024
Wednesday, December 18, 2024
Tuesday, December 17, 2024
As president elect D. Trump can´t wait, brings a Billion business to the US
In one single business contact Donald Trump
creates 100.000 new jobs for America, before
becoming president, and brings a billion-
business to the nation. That is how it works
out when one is anointed for the task.
Sunday, December 15, 2024
The Ottoman Empires Genocide on Assyrians 1914-1918
Turkey has never acknowledged what the
Turks did, never regret, never repented.
But they have been invited into Nato
though they persecuted, and persecute,
christians, and are haters of Israel & jews.
Thursday, December 12, 2024
Trump "Person of the Year" on Time Magazine = Fullfilled Prophecy
Time Magazine has put Donald Trump
on the cover as the "Person of the Year":
This is indeed a fulfillment of a power-
full prophetic word shared by Kim
Clement in April 2007:
Time Magazine, Newsweek and The
View have surely been very hostile
against Donald Trump, but God in
this prophteic word prophesied a
coming change, we are in that time.
//Björn Hellman
Wednesday, December 11, 2024
Tuesday, December 10, 2024
Prophetic Word Given 6/11/2024
When Jerusalem is being threatened,
God has already warned in forehand
through his servants the prophets.
Many nations and leaders at risk of
standing in complete shame. And the
2020 elections are not forgotten..
Monday, December 9, 2024
Syrian Islamists Prepare Invasion Of Israel
Who for a second thought anything else..?
Turkey involved behind, anyone surprised?
Unfortunately the majority of our precious
fakenews watched the development as a
good thing.
I recently met a syrian christian in my work
position, he told me that christians in Syria
prefer Assad, as he accepted the christians
as a part of the society.
It may be though that Assad had had his time
in God´s eyes, and that God will use what
now takes place in a greater plan of shifting
the Middle-East;
prophetic words have namely told us that
after a Trump presidential win, things would
open up in the spirit realm and cause many
to fall and others to rise.
We must pray for the christian population
in Syria, they will be very vulnerable with the
new jihadist regime, who hates jews and do
hate or despise christians as well.
Turkey involved behind, anyone surprised?
Unfortunately the majority of our precious
fakenews watched the development as a
good thing.
I recently met a syrian christian in my work
position, he told me that christians in Syria
prefer Assad, as he accepted the christians
as a part of the society.
It may be though that Assad had had his time
in God´s eyes, and that God will use what
now takes place in a greater plan of shifting
the Middle-East;
prophetic words have namely told us that
after a Trump presidential win, things would
open up in the spirit realm and cause many
to fall and others to rise.
We must pray for the christian population
in Syria, they will be very vulnerable with the
new jihadist regime, who hates jews and do
hate or despise christians as well.
Forgiveness, to receive and to give
To say, like some do, that we
only have to forgive ourselves,
and don´t need to receive God´s
forgiveness which he has
stretched out to us in Christ,
is the same as saying we don´t
have to ask for forgiveness from
those people in life we have
wounded. It is only about our-
only have to forgive ourselves,
and don´t need to receive God´s
forgiveness which he has
stretched out to us in Christ,
is the same as saying we don´t
have to ask for forgiveness from
those people in life we have
wounded. It is only about our-
selves.. (I, Me, My)
Forgiveness is essential to both
seek and receive, as well as give;
vertical, horisontal and ourselfal.
Forgiveness is essential to both
seek and receive, as well as give;
vertical, horisontal and ourselfal.
You can understand this when
you look at the strucure of a
cross and with a person on.
Only that Jesus took your place
Don´t fall for NewAge teachings,
it will bring you into bondage,
fall for the teaching in the bible.
//Björn Hellman
Syria / Assad Prophecy - Robin Bullock
Surely the Sovereign LORD does nothing
without revealing his plan to his servants
the prophets. Amos 3:7 (The Bible)
Sunday, December 8, 2024
Saturday, December 7, 2024
Friday, December 6, 2024
Joshua Aaron - Hoshiana (Official Music Video)
Make this song your daily confession.
Become a passioned lover of God Jehova
& Jesus the Messiah, like Joshua Aaron.
Allow despise go out and hit you by that
you are found odd - your robe of rightious-
ness, His, will have it fall to the ground.
Be like David, the King, care only about
Become a passioned lover of God Jehova
& Jesus the Messiah, like Joshua Aaron.
Allow despise go out and hit you by that
you are found odd - your robe of rightious-
ness, His, will have it fall to the ground.
Be like David, the King, care only about
pleasing God.
Thursday, December 5, 2024
Monday, December 2, 2024
A Shocking Vision! I Saw This Monument Collapse..
Not London Bridge but Washington Monument
will be falling down, and God told why he will
let it happen.
Prophecy for Ukraine | Hyeok Park | Brother Hyeok
Don´t despise this word of the Lord.
Don´t despise this voice of the Lord.
Don´t let your political preferences
stand in the way, where you´ve been
taught what to think about Ukraine.
Sunday, December 1, 2024
Saturday, November 30, 2024
Friday, November 29, 2024
USA-experten sågar Fredrik Reinfeldts utspel om Donald Trump
Väldigt bra av Ronie Berggren.
Troligtvis för bra för många svenskar.
Han klär även av Reinfeldt, eller
snarare visar på hans nakenhet.
Troligtvis för bra för många svenskar.
Han klär även av Reinfeldt, eller
snarare visar på hans nakenhet.
Thursday, November 28, 2024
Wednesday, November 27, 2024
"J Trudeau’s Father" - Elite's Sex Slave Claims Encounter..
Whe´re in a time where horrendous abuse
of children and vulnerable will come to
light. It is connected with the D Trump
presidency and calling to drain the swamp
and expose the deep state.
Tuesday, November 26, 2024
Monday, November 25, 2024
Man receives stunning creative miracle | Prophet Charlie Shamp
Listen to this. Then hasten to Jesus.
You are not called to be tail, it is
time for you to become head.
Sunday, November 24, 2024
Dr John Campbell: Shroud of Turin studies
You will not be disappointed if
you follow through this study to
the end. Dr. Campbell such a fine
The shroud is in many ways undis-
putable, even though some studies
question its age.
There´s dust from Jerusalem on it.
Ther´re pollenation on it from
flowers growing in the Jerusalem
Many details tell that it is undoub-
tedly from a crucified man, some
crucifixion details even unusual,
confirming details from the bible.
It is old enough to not be from the
"photographic age" and still it is
like a "negative",
it actually looks like "the picture"
must have been radiated in some
way.. maybe at the resurrection
moment, that is my comment.
We are currently living in a time
of revelation like no other time
in history since the death and
resurrection of Jesus. I think this
shroud is a part of it.
Saturday, November 23, 2024
Hotspot: Jens Ganman tar tempen på svensk journalistkår
Jens Ganman är troligtvis den i vårt land som
har bäst koll på slagsidan inom den svenska
journalistkåren och inom svenska media, det
särskilt om man inkluderar hans insikter i det
parallella skeendet i USA, själva huvudfronten.
Friday, November 22, 2024
När de korrupta faller förblir två ledare stående
De som är seende ser att det
är en kraftfull uppgörelse med
korrupta ledare & organisationer
inte bara i USA, utan runtom i
fick allt att stanna upp. Det som
skedde exponerar ännu mer
var ledare både till höger och
vänster står.
Det vi ser i USA och världen är
ett Guds verk, ett väckelse- &
reformationsverk mitt i mycket
av storm & kaos. Han möblerar
om på kontinenter, i nationerna.
Två ledare är absolut viktigast
att sänka idag för den politiska
antikristliga maffian. Ni vet väl
vilka jag talar om.
Men Benjamin Netanyahu och
Donald Trump är de som står
upp när till slut alla de korrupta
ligger ner på schackbrädet.
Vi är inne i en absolut historisk
tid, be därför Gud om att upp-
lysa dina ögon så du inte fort-
sätter missa vad som verkligen
sker i allt som synes ske.
Se till att befinna dig på rätt
sida, utvärdera var du står i de
viktiga frågorna. Ifrågasätt din
bedömningsförmåga.. Be Gud
om ögonsalva.
Björn Hellman
Pam Bondi, Attorney General Prophecy- Chris Reed-11-21-2024
Chris Reed prophesied 2019 very strong
about Pam Bondi, that she is called to be
the US Attorney General to bond together
a divided US. Now it is happening.
and also many other significant words of
the Lord that has come to pass, or are as
we speak.
Thursday, November 21, 2024
Om "Judejakten" i Amsterdam / Aron Flam
Tack Aron Flam för att du klär av
Rosenberg och Guillou inför vårt
folk. Skamfläckar för vårt land är de.
Wednesday, November 20, 2024
Tuesday, November 19, 2024
Monday, November 18, 2024
Sunday, November 17, 2024
C Jacobs Denounces False Trump Prophecy | Bishop Bill Hamon Agrees
False prophesies has come forth which
wrongly identifies D Trump´s person &
motivations and may incite violence
against Donald Trump & christians who
support Donald Trump as a tool of God.
Zionistic Imam Sheikh Abdul Hadi Palazzi: Bible & Koran are in line..
There are a number of imam´s within
islam who are very sharp in defending
Israel´s right to their land.
This man knows the bible, he knows
that Israel after the release from Egypt
were instructed by God to approach
and enter the Holy land, the Land of
He dares to say that the Bible and the
Koran are absolutely in line in this
specific question.
Saturday, November 16, 2024
Friday, November 15, 2024
A. Grace: An Explosive & Powerful Word from the Lord: A Must Watch
A strong and sobering word, which covers
the current political situation in the US with
coming intrigues and "attempts", as well as
what is in the coming on the European as
well as the further international sceen.
Wednesday, November 13, 2024
Donald Trump's Plan to Save Our Children from the LGBT Cult
Are you a part of this cult which
goes after our kids to destroy them?
Tuesday, November 12, 2024
Now: House GOP leaders hold news conference after clinching majority..
Christian traditional values, good for family,
children, marriage, church, society, state now
will control the White House, the Senate, the
House, SCOTUS, Pentagon. Eventually even
FBI, CIA, DOJ, CDC, Homeland Security &...
Monday, November 11, 2024
D. TRUMP Just Dropped An Absolute 5 point BOMBSHELL
Facebook, Youtube, Google and other dragons
will be dealt with like they being small lizards
when Donald Trump´s program on Free Speech
brakes through. It is soon time for accounts, I
believe we will see jailtime for many.
Sunday, November 10, 2024
Saturday, November 9, 2024
How Trump won the Amish vote in Pennsylvania
The marxist Biden / Harris regime more and more
persecuted the Amish population in Pennsylvania.
They never vote, but suddenly before the elections
there were 10s of thousands Amish registered to
The vote difference in the end shows it was Amish
who actually won Pennsylvania for D Trump!! Even
many businesses relying on Amish probably voted
"Amish", and as RFK Jr is highly respected by
Amish, his arrival into Trump´s camp meant volume.
And after the win of Pennsylvania, that tipped the
scales also nationwide and led to the presidential
election win.
I give the glory to God. A prophetic word from 2020
delivered by Charlie Shamp fortold what we saw
during the election cycle, & that word mentions
Philadelphia´s role (where Amish live) as; a quake in
"the city of the quakers" to tip the scales in the
That word has been the strongest prophetic word I
have tested, accepted and then kept deer for 4 years.
have tested, accepted and then kept deer for 4 years.
Amish are descendants of quakers who left England
due to religious persecution, Their leader was a man
named William Penn.
Friday, November 8, 2024
Thursday, November 7, 2024
Chris Reed’s 2024 Election/Prophecy Dream shared on 11/3/24
Chris shared this 2 days before the elections.
Part of the content tells us Donald Trump will
become the first president in the new republic..
I think this refers to unhealthy (spiritual) ties
that yet has kept the US in certain bondage in
relation to Great Britain, something that is
closly connected to Washington DC.
Trump's Win & What It Means | Jonathan Cahn Prophetic
Don´t miss out on the prophetic word
J Cahn gives directly to D Trump, and
publically, at the faith convention held
a week before the elections.
The prophecy starts at 9.45.
Tuesday, November 5, 2024
Val i en nation avgörs av Guds folk
Ett val så viktigt som det i USA, av
kristna som förstår betecknat som
det viktigaste i historien, avgörs ej
i en nagelbitande oviss thriller.
där många av folket sover så kan
det avgöras av en "remnant", en
kvarleva av hans folk, som sett &
förstått och som ropat till Gud och
onvänt sig, inte bara för egen del
utan för en hel nation eller "kropp".
Därför kan en valutgång vara av-
gjord "i Anden" redan i förväg, då
Gud är inblandad för en hel världs,
inberäknat sitt egendomsfolks
Israels, skull. Avgjort åt endera
Så utgången av valet i USA är
direkt relaterad till hur de Gud har
väckt har gensvarat på kallelsen
och ställt sig i gapet; Herren segrar
genom de få jämväl som genom
de många. Han använder ibland
de få för att DET ska bli uppenbart.
Auktoriteten på jorden har han
från första början gett åt människors
barn och majoritet är inte ett fast
"antals-begrepp" i Guds värld, utan
med Gud är man alltid i majoritet,
om man är rätt, en (1) rättfärdig kan
driva 1000 på flykten säger bibeln,
där har du möjligtvis antals-
Gud överser ett enormt, komplext
skeende, såsom utvecklingen i ett
land, in i minsta detalj, han vet hur
många huvudhår som finns på
varje aktör - och han har vägar att
rädda eller stjälpa ett skeende där
en sida tycks övermäktig, och när
han gör så gör han det på ett full-
ständigt rättfärdigt sätt.
"You cannot outsmart God" låter
bäst på engelska. Men Guds folk
kan satan lyckas med, om de inte
samarbetar med sin Gud.
//Björn Hellman
Monday, November 4, 2024
Sunday, November 3, 2024
Saturday, November 2, 2024
Friday, November 1, 2024
Lily Of The Valley | Jimmy Lee Swaggart and Jerry Lee Lewis
Both the cousins became world recognized,
only in different genres.
Jimmy Lee never stopped praying for Jerry
Lee, and Jerry finally acceptedthe Lord
Jesus Christ only a few years before he left
the earth.
Donald Trump sits down with Tucker Carlson
Love Donald. God told me he loves
Donald Trump and I always want to
follow in Jesus´ footsteps.
I love Donald because he is a sworn
is a friend of Israel and of christians
and of biblical values.
The witch currently leading the other
party is anything but that, she wants
to kill. steal and destroy everything
that is of God.
Tucker Carlson viciously attacked by demon/s..
Worth listening to and a clear signal to not
partake in Halloween. This weekend we
remember loved ones who left us for an
even better place.
Tucker Carlson is probably the most well-
Tucker Carlson is probably the most well-
known independent journalist in the world.
He was raised in a christian tradition where
noone talked about evil spirit realities, he
first didn´t realize what happened to him.
Today Tucker is more and more becoming
part of Donald Trumps inner team. Donald
has warriors surrounding him in a way
that one come to think of King David in
teh bible and his 30 most devoted men.
I recommend to read about it in the 1st &
2d books of Samuel in the Old Testament.
Thursday, October 31, 2024
Wednesday, October 30, 2024
Tuesday, October 29, 2024
Monday, October 28, 2024
Sunday, October 27, 2024
Muslim Leaders Passionately Endorse D Trump At Michigan Rally
Fiery speeches from muslim leaders endorsing
Donald J Trump for his promises to end wars,
end crazy curriculums in the schools and bring
Donald J Trump for his promises to end wars,
end crazy curriculums in the schools and bring
a restored strong economy.
Saturday, October 26, 2024
Friday, October 25, 2024
God Showed Her What He Has in Store For Japanj
Japanese people are afraid to leave their old religious
beliefs. They think that they when they are alive are
protecting their dead ones by keeeping and nurishing
their old faith..
It is easy to understand who has planted that fear for
change, for coming to Christ. But God is breaking it
down today, by his love.
Thursday, October 24, 2024
T Dixon Prophetic Dream: Special Ops unit storms the USA/ Silver Fox Coming
A time is coming soon when many in high
places in the US will have to make account
and will be charged.
Wednesday, October 23, 2024
Barack & Big Mike: A Love Story!!
Some truth talking.
It requires a brave man. It is dangerous
to talk openly about certain people.
Tuesday, October 22, 2024
'I Was Introduced To Church At Very Early Age.': Trump Discusses Faith
What Donald does not mention is that his
two aunts were leading the Hebrides revival
in the beginning of the 1950s. His personal
bible he most often carries comes from that
Eric Trump Gathered Faith Leaders - Calls for U.S. To Be a Nation of Faith
Eric is changed. His friendships with strong
prophetic ministries in the US the last years
has formed him and got him closer to God.
Not just his normal generosity and his urge
for rightiousness, but I feel a fire..
The Most Infuential Leader Prays That DT Wins The Election
Strong in the spirit. Franklin Graham.
You shouldn´t miss out on this.
I put this out again, as social media are
greeved by that the most influential
spoken on DT. They are blocking this
post in the public flow.
A. Grace Prophetic / Lots Illegally Cast
Wow. Just an excerpt from a longer prophetic word,
but how strong. Never ever think you can fool God.
If you think and you try, and don´t repent - it will
eventually backhit with a tremendous power. That
is what the fools in the current WH will experience.
Monday, October 21, 2024
US investigates leak of 'top secret' Israel documents..
The present wolfpack in the White House
are enemies of Israel, of Jews and actually
of all people. Enemies of God, period.
Tough words? I don´t think so. But he who
has been too lazy to listen and to follow
what is going on, will probably ask for
more cauciousness and humbleness.
Sunday, October 20, 2024
Saturday, October 19, 2024
Wow. Muslims in Michigan endorses pres. Donald Trump
Disturbments, but everything works
fine from 8:45 and forward though,
which is the head-speech and head
A true sign that a man is not just a
national leader but a world leader is
when people of other cultures and
religions recognizes him and endor-
ses him as a friend, here Michigan,
and as most trustworthy.
This is also why someone tries to
censor this clip. Forbes normally
never has problems with their re-
cordings like in this case.
Friday, October 18, 2024
Thursday, October 17, 2024
Wednesday, October 16, 2024
Tuesday, October 15, 2024
Pres. Trump's Interview with Bloomberg at The Economic Club of Chicago
America needs a business man in the WH,
not a pastor; a godly rough businessman.
Monday, October 14, 2024
Sunday, October 13, 2024
Dennis Quaid - What A Friend We Have In Jesus (Live At Gaither Studios)
The wellknown actor Dennis Quaid is one of
those celebrities and wellknown names in the
US who today come out and resist perverted
trends in showbiz & culture as well as political
correctness and political corruption in WDC.
It is very much a patriotic movement, growing
stronger & stronger in the nation alongside aw-
akening & revival within the established church.
Saturday, October 12, 2024
Friday, October 11, 2024
Thursday, October 10, 2024
Wednesday, October 9, 2024
Tuesday, October 8, 2024
American christians need to go out and vote
Polls are showing that only 51% of those
calling themselves christians are planning
to vote in the upcoming american elections.
How it goes the US it goes the rest of the
western world. The US is the head front in
todays war against christianity.
On God´s demand I have been praying for
the US daily since April 2017 - I am a
Swede living in Sweden. God asked me to
send my bread over the pond, that it one
day will return and help my nation.
Very much lies in the hands of american
christians today, if they go out & vote, and
listen to God how, it will bring in another
era of christian influence in our societies -
instead of the antichrist kingdom´s arrival.
If you americans don´t care for your own
children, please care for us others in the
western world, who do care. You will stand
before God one day & make account for
what you did with your valuable vote.
//Bjorn Hellman
Kat Kerr - What You Never Knew About Trump’s Assassination Attempt
20 minutes before the speech in Butler
Donald Trump texted Kat Kerr..
True Experiences From HEAVEN // Prophetess Kat Kerr
What a mighty woman of God she is, Kat Kerr.
And how true to the Word, and so natural.
Keep your immature comments about her, at
least til you have listened through this session..
Minutes before his speech in Butler Donald
Trump called Kat Kerr and asked her how it
would go, maybe he felt something in the air..
Kat said it would work out good and that he
had nothing to fear.
Donald has later said that he felt no fear at all
during that "incident". After "Butler" Kat re-
ceived a very special sweater from Donald
Trump, which she was wearing during this
Monday, October 7, 2024
Story behind & reflections on impact of Kris Kristofferson's song Why Me..
Kris Kristofferson died a few days ago.
Sunday, October 6, 2024
What MOSES Told Prophet Sadhu Selvaraj About The 2024 US Elections
Absolutely don´t miss out..
När Sadhu Selvaraj delar från Herren & profeterar,
då bör man som ledare gå ner på knä inombord
och lyssna, det är hälsosamt.
Jag anser med stor tilltro att Gud sedan lång tid
har talat om hur utkomsten faktiskt blir; Donald
Trump kommer att tjäna en andra väldigt speciell
mandatperiod. Men även den påverkas i nivå av
hur Guds tilltal och vägvisningar tas emot.
Men - för det krävs profetiska varningar även på
vägen dit, bl a emot sofflocket gällande röstning,
ingen röstning efter hudfärg som med Obama,
det gav USA homo-äktenskap och en militant
trans-rörelse in i skolorna för att stjäla barnen.
Profettjänsten behövs, profetiska ord som leder
till omskakningar & påföljande lydnad och öd-
Annars blir det inte som det kommer att bli.
Det som redan står som svart på vitt i vår bibel
gällande avslutningen av vår tidsålder kommer
att bli så, för församlingen och världen lyssnade
respektive inte lyssnade på det som varnades
om igår och varnas för imorgon.
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