Sunday, March 9, 2025

Lars Enarson: Trump, Putin & WWIII: Europe Is Shaking

God has spoken to Lars Enarson and
has given him a different view than
the one controlling people in Europe
Lars also lifts the issue with Rumania,
where EU has denied the result of a
democratic election in Rumania, just
because the winner has wrong view
on the Ukraine/Russia conflict.
J D Vance strong speech a couple of
weeks ago in Munchen seem to have
been a necessary speech, it was a
warning to Europe to not go an
authoritarian way, denying free speech.

Dr Patricia Green / March 2 2025 Revelation from the Lord

Prophesy is very important to
take notice of, don't miss out,
this is a very serious message.
Patricia Green is known for
delivering words from God.

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Till barnen med hårda pannor sänder jag dig

Hezekiel 2:4-7 (Bibeln, GT)

"Till barnen med hårda pannor och
förstockade hjärtan sänder jag dig,
och du ska säga till dem:

'Så säger Herren, HERREN'..

Och vare sig de hör därpå eller ej,
för de är ett gensträvigt släkte, så
ska de dock förnimma att en profet
har varit ibland dem.

Och du, människobarn, frukta inte
för dem, och frukta inte för deras
ord, fastän du omges av tistlar och
törnen och bor ibland skorpioner.

Nej, frukta inte för deras ord, och
var inte förfärad för dem själva, då
de nu är ett gensträvigt släkte.

Utan tala mina ord till dem, vare
sig de hör på dem eller inte, då de
nu är så gensträviga..."

Christa Elisha - A (Prophetic) Vision of Ukraine

Take part of this vision that God gave Christa Elisha. It tells us clearly that things are going on that are not told us by governments or media.


A Vision of Russia & Ukraine 2/28/22

As I was asking the Lord how to pray for Russia and Ukraine I went into a vision. Suddenly I was in the atmosphere along the boarder of the disputed territory. The Holy Spirit told me to decree and release “MERCY, MERCY, MERCY, MERCY” over the people, specifically the believers on both sides.

Then the Spirit took me down onto the land and I watched as war machines advanced into the Ukrainian territory. Suddenly the war machines turned into tractor plows. Their large circular blades dug deep into the soil and began to till the earth. I heard “full circle season” and I knew that unjust things done long ago had came full circle and a harvest of corruption was due.

I looked closely at the broken ground and realized that there were secrets that members of Ukrainian elite and government officials had attempted to bury that was being uncovered and drawn to the surface for the world to see by the tilling of the plow blades. I heard the words ‘Convolution’ and ‘mass exposure’ and “attempted cover up.” As this was taking place I watched as it appeared to be government angels follow behind the plows to collect the evidence and secure it for trials connected to multiple countries. America, UK, China, Sweden and Italy all flashed before me.

The Lord then had me to decree:
1. that everything done in darkness would be revealed in all the nations of the world.
2. that secrets in hidden places would be exposed and taken as undeniable evidence of corruption.
3. that certain government take overs would be turned over and that God’s agenda with truth, justice and light would prevail.

As I finished the decrees I saw the ground that was plowed suddenly turn into a massive harvest field full of waist high wheat ready to be gathered. The Spirit of God said “Now ask me to send harvesters into the fields.” So I prayed “Lord of the harvest, send the harvesters into the fields of Russia and Ukraine to bring in a massive harvest of souls! I pray not one would be missed and that what the enemy meant for evil you would turn around and use for good! In Jesus name! “

I invite you to join me in these decrees and prayer over Russia, Ukraine and the nations as well. Do not be afraid saints. The true and the false is all being revealed in this hour. Heaven knows the full story that the corrupted mainstream media will never tell you. Stay in your position of faith and do not give in to fear. God is going to turn it all around for his glory! 

Link to the original FB-post with the exact same message:

//Björn Hellman